Mount Redoubt


Newly Enlightened
Jan 19, 2004
North Central Pennsylvania. USA
Several members of CPF live in Alaska. We should all say a prayer for everyone that lives up there. I have never been up to Alaska but I hear life is rough enough without the danger that a volcano presents! From what I read the Alaskan Volcanos just don't pour out lava like in Hawaii, they explode and shoot out ash 9 miles into the sky and then it blankets everything for hundreds of miles! Lets pray that doesn't happen.
Has there been volcanic activity lately?

I've been to Alaska and it literally brought tears to my eyes to actually witness its magnificent beauty!!
I hope to be able to return one day.
It's not a matter of "IF" - it's a matter of "WHEN"!

http://www.avo.alaska.eduAlaska Volcano Observatory's site for online seismographs, webcams, updates, etc.

We've been through it before, hopefully this one will treat us kindly - one can never know though with Mother Nature!

Supplies: Food, water, plastic bags for electronics, duct tape, masks, goggles, flashlights & batteries DUH of course! :thinking:
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Sigman, was it back in 1989 that it had a constant plume coming off it? I feel a little bit of ease due to being a few hundred miles to the north of it but you're right in the Anchorage area aren't you?
Mother Nature says, "Maybe not just yet!"...

Anchorage Daily News:

"After nearly two weeks of seismic calm, geologists at the Alaska Volcano Observatory on Tuesday downgraded the volcanic hazard color code for Mount Redoubt from orange to yellow and its alert status from "watch" to "advisory..."
Looks like it might erupt again. The warning level is back to orange, the highest level before an eruption. Seems to have an appropriate name for the volcano. First, they thought it would erupt. Then they doubted it would erupt soon. Now, it has a chance of erupting again. My guess is that it will go quiet one more time before erupting so people can redoubt whether it will erupt or not.
It's time...An eruption started at 22:38 local time Sunday. Link to Alaska Volcano Observatory The ash cloud is predicted to rise to (if not already) 50,000 ft. I've been looking at the ash fall prediction maps & on a couple it appears that anything at 40,000 is predicted to go directly over Anchorage. I'm watching all data that I can on their website.

It's been somewhat active, calm, active, calm...the AVO kept downgrading the warning level to yellow, then back to orange, then back to yellow - justified reactions to their instruments of course. Seems the pressure will be relieved now, but for how long & how intense?

Batten down the hatches fellow Alaskans within range of anything Mt. Redoubt decides to throw at us!!
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According to the AVO site it went to condition red. Good luck folks. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Hope it's nothing more than a "Kodak moment" for you.

*** I just looked at the AVO's "webicorder" page for Redoubt. Lot's of activity and segments where the signal clipped (overloaded).
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What's the update in Southcentral? I heard it passed over Anchorage but hit Wasilla/Willow area.

They also said it may reach as far as Denali, but I'm sure I won't be seeing any of it up here.
Some interesting pics after an overflight...Lava dome building, expected to collapse of course during next eruption. Sixth (and most violent so far) eruption was last night at 7:41pm AKDT and lasted for 17 minutes.

Ash reached at least 60,000 feet and is drifting North/North West about 40 miles so far. Very fine particles up to 8 miles in altitude...those aren't expected to fall, but are expected to circulate & cause problems for aircraft.

Some flights have been affected out of/into Ted Steven's International Airport. Elmendorf AFB has as many aircraft as possible inside hangars.

We can typically see just the top of it to the Southwest looking out our kitchen window. It's been overcast, so haven't seen it from the house. Here's a nice pic from Anchorage on a clear day. (Mt. Redoubt is on the left with a steam plume.)

...another cool pic from an eruption April 21, 1990. & another nice one from February 1990.

We can see the ash spreading over the Susitna Valley on the west side of Cook Inlet across from Anchorage...but so far, it's avoiding Anchorage. Nasty, hard, corrosive stuff!!

Magma has reached the top, pyroclastic flows are occurring and a crude oil storage terminal was shut down & evacuated with flooding over the helicopter pad & more on the way. They measured 6-8 meters in depth above the Drift River valley floor & traveled 35 kilometers to Cook Inlet.

What else? :thinking:
My Daughter in law and grandson are in Eagle River just outside of Anchorage. My Son should be there but he is busy fighting in Afghanistan at the moment. She said the eruptions didn't effect them at all.
That's good news.

Last night I was in the hot springs talking to one of the guests and they said they were supposed to be home already but had their flight canceled due to the eruption.
The airport was closed for over 20 hours, last newscast I saw said one runway had been opened up.

Here's a good site, prowl around & look at the videos! There's a time lapse daytime eruption - pretty cool!

Scroll down for some GREAT nightshots (resolution stinks though!), but the lightning & orange/red colors are wild!

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