movie making ???


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2004
Here is my delema "sp", i took a short video with my camera, a Nikon Coolpix 4300 the camera makes video files in quick time, i tried to open it with windows media player but it would not work,i want to use this vid in windows movie maker, so how can i convert the qt vids to wmv, or suggest a program where the origin does not matter
If you pony up $30 you can get Quick Time Pro which will open close to anything and save close to anything -- except WMV which Microsoft has a firm grip on.

Surely Windows Movie Maker can import MPEGs? That is what your camera is taking I'm sure. I don't know of a whole lot of cameras (Especially camcorders) that record in WMV format, so I am pretty confident you can find a way to get that footage into WMM if that's what you really want to edit in.
it saves in quicktime, so why would you go to the trouble of trying half a dozen 3rd party apps to transcode it when you can download quicktime for free? Just install the thing and you can watch them.

The free version plays movies, but has limited exporting and editing features. try that first, but it may be necessary to do as Ryan suggests and pony up the cash. But you won't know till you install quick time.
Doom9 is a great resource for computer video and audio software questions. If you go to this page it seems MOV2AVI would do the trick. There's great software for archiving /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif DVD's to your computer.
ok befor i get a program, i would like to see if i want to stick with windows movie maker or not, so would some one be willing to convert a movie for me? it about 40 seconds long. I can email it to you
Ugh, Windows Movie Maker? I had to use that once for a video project. It was not nearly as useable as some. Although the *some* that I normally use at school cost $100s of bucks. We use Avid. One nice program,


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