Multistage 6p Led?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 7, 2006
Hi there!

I own a 6P led. The momentary on -switch annoys the hell out of me, so i am thinking about buying the Z49 tailcap.
The thing is, the 6p is so powerfull that it is a little bit too much in some situations. i would love the 6p to be duo-stage. low light and high powered beam. Before i buy the z49, is there a tailcap that allows for multistage in the 6p? Do i need another led drop-in for that?

I have bought a klicky tailcap for my 6P mod, but to be honest:
that thing costed almost the same than a complete Fenix.

I would not purchase it for any stock SF led light or one fittet with whatever insert