MX25L3 & MX25L3C: Handling Heat


Mar 25, 2014
Anyone know how well the MX25L3 MT-G2 version dissipates heat? Also, same question for the MX25L3C XP-G2 & Nichia versions.
Anyone know how well the MX25L3 MT-G2 version dissipates heat? Also, same question for the MX25L3C XP-G2 & Nichia versions.

Well I've got the MX25L3C with 6 Nichia leds, and after running it at full power (1800 lm) for about 30 mn, it was a bit hot, but still tolerable (nothing comparable with my fenix TK70 running at 2200 lm for 1h30).
I have had both the mt-g2 and Nichia models. They generate heat but the heatsinking of the light is excellent. The whole body gets warm quickly which means it is transferring the heat well.
Was wondering myself how the Nichia one handled heat. Sounds like a winner. Hope I can get one cheap during the up coming Black Friday!
The Nichia one does seem like its really good. Just trying to figure out which out of the 3 options is going to give the best useable spill. I'm leaning towards the MX25L3C XP-G2 version or the Nichia one since with the 6 LED's inside usually equates to really really good spill but with the nature of the MT-G2 almost does the same.
PM responded to FYI. The Nichia model was my personal favorite, although the tint on the MT-G2 is very nice as well. The hi CRI of the Nichia model is quite noticeable to me and really makes a difference outdoors in seeing the different shades of red, brown, and green among trees, grass, flowers, and other vegetation. It is hard to go back to other LEDs once you have experienced and appreciated the 4500K hi CRI Nichia 219. As far as output goes, the difference is really not that big in the way we perceive it. The Nichia model has 77% of the OTF lumen output of the MT-G2 model. Can anyone really see much of a difference between 100 lumens and 77 lumens? Yes, that is a rhetorical question :)