Flashlight Enthusiast
Ok, here's the deal normally I'm pretty good at finding good battery combinations for cheap but this one's particularly hard "for me at least
". I need 8.4 volts from a 3D sized compartment. This isn't a Maglite and the battery tube is pretty big "I can just slide in 3x CR123s:sweat:".
So what are my options:
2x Li-ion = to little - 3x= to much
Not enough room for 7x ½ Ds
3x Li-poly = to much power
7x Sub-c = to long.
To much money for 7x 2/3 A cells x2 parallel + wasted space
I could most likely fit a 4 across 2D to 8AA cells and just use a fake AA cell but what about the entire wasted D cell room
I could use a 3D to 9AA but I'm still wasting 2x AA capacity
Worst case I'll do the last option "3D to 9AA with 2x fake cells" But what would be the best cells? Elite 1700 or some kind of Eneloop:thinking:?
I'll be pulling a little over 5.5 amps max, so I heard the Elite would be the best, but those reports were from 2007, has anything with more capacity and high amp drain come on to the market:shrug:?
If anyone else can come up with something more efficient I'm all ears
:twothumbs. The restrictions are:
-Can not be longer then 185mm "or around there".
-Can be a maximum 3x 17mm cells in a tri configuration or 4x quad AA.
-Under $45 Including everything.
Thanks for the help and good luck:thumbsup:.

So what are my options:
2x Li-ion = to little - 3x= to much
Not enough room for 7x ½ Ds
3x Li-poly = to much power
7x Sub-c = to long.
To much money for 7x 2/3 A cells x2 parallel + wasted space
I could most likely fit a 4 across 2D to 8AA cells and just use a fake AA cell but what about the entire wasted D cell room

I could use a 3D to 9AA but I'm still wasting 2x AA capacity

Worst case I'll do the last option "3D to 9AA with 2x fake cells" But what would be the best cells? Elite 1700 or some kind of Eneloop:thinking:?
I'll be pulling a little over 5.5 amps max, so I heard the Elite would be the best, but those reports were from 2007, has anything with more capacity and high amp drain come on to the market:shrug:?
If anyone else can come up with something more efficient I'm all ears

-Can not be longer then 185mm "or around there".
-Can be a maximum 3x 17mm cells in a tri configuration or 4x quad AA.
-Under $45 Including everything.
Thanks for the help and good luck:thumbsup:.