My first complete host(s), Titanium and Mokume


Jan 20, 2007
S.F. Bay Area, California U.S.A.
For my first complete host project this may have been a bit ambitious, but when Fred and I got the idea on the phone the other day I couldn't resist (and neither could he;) ). This is a set consisting of both a AAA and "petite" battery tube, a head that will contain Fred's 90ma driver and led, and a plug for the battery tube not in use. All the Mokume/Ti joints are press fit together, and all electrical contacts are Ti to avoid oxidation problems.





Thanks again Fred for supplying the internals (and all the other help throughout the last year or so), I can't wait to see the new setup in action. Depending on my employment situation when the LED's come in this may go up on the BST, but even if it doesn't there are many interesting plans coming up:grin2:

So I took your comments to heart and finally got a light tent setup, even still these have proved very hard to shoot:confused:. I do think this set of pics shows the patterns and copper/brass/nickel colors in the Mokume a bit better though, eventually I'll get this photography thing figured out:ohgeez:






Thanks, they are certainly amazing creations. :)

It can be very difficult sometimes to capture all the subtlety of the subject in a photo.

From what very limited knowledge that I have, its better to take the picture in daylight but not too near any strong light.

The more even the lighting, the better the picture comes out, assuming that the camera has a good color balance.
Etched and lightly patinated

So I finally got everything together to etch and patina this set, and I think I'm getting the hang of the light tent to boot:D




They've been fairly deeply etched for some texture, then polished and lightly patina'd to really bring out the pattern. Something kinda cool that I noticed is that there's almost a fourth color where the brass and copper "diffused" together during the welding. Let me know what you think:thumbsup:

Since the job market still blows these will go up in the BST tonight or tomorrow, basically as soon as I get around to writing up the "blurbage".

To be fair, the new images look a lot better. I assume that you went to manual mode and learned how to take better pics. Your camera is fine for taking macro shots. It's an art and takes some effort to get the right pic, but it's always worth it.

You should consider using a higher aperture to increase the depth of field. That will help you get more of your lights in focus. This will require longer shutter time, so you need to make sure to use your tripod. Always use the self timer so that you don't shake the camera with your hand. I like to take multiple pics and light the scene myself with a flashlight.
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