My first Cree


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2006
not far enough away
Hi All,

Well me and Choronos just completed our trade. and guess what i got, a Milky L1 with P4 Cree in it, and it is PURE white. milky did a great job on this light. the only compliant is that the pocket clip is wiggley, not loose but it will move back and fourth, anyone know how to fix this problem? i am very happy in what i got in the trade, and this MAY become my new edc. it is just as bright as my dads L2 but it only has one batt and a smaller package. aslo milky put a glow o-ring in place of the origanal o-ring, so when i fire it up it shines.I love it:grin2:

Thanks Chronos and Milky for such a great light!
That bum! I wanted that light! Congrats on a sweet pickup. Not my favorite tint, but a powerful, useful light without a doubt.
I forgot to add, it has a hand cut McR19 reflector. i was amazed at how small the led and the reflector was for how insanley bright it is. The high reminds me of my perfect U2 on high, and the Low reminds me of my U2 on the first or second channel, but i better tint then my perfect U2, and MUCH smaller.
Wish I had an ML-1 like yours.......I'll just have to wait for SF to come out with their new L1 and see how it goes.......

As for the wiggly clip?!?.....I've no idea. Mines L1 really fit in its slot.....Could always try another clip and see how it goes....

Congrats on your new EDC
I have no other clip besides my A2 clip. And i was very surprised at how perfect the long clip fitted on the L1, it goes right to the edge. But it is still wiggley, i took it off and tightend it up and it helped a little but not for the wiggle factor.

I wish i had a camera to take some pics of the light, but i dont.

BTW if anyone has a red beam filter that they would like to sell for pretty cheap, i would be interested.
I think it wear and tear. I bought a e series body off a cpfer and it does that as well but not to the extent that it is loose.

Could try shimming it with some teflon tape.....
Congrats on the Cree. I'm up to three now, and love each one of them.
jayhackett03 said:
where can i find info/pics on this "milky"?
use the search engine and type in ML-1 or Milky L1. or just contact Milkyspit himself.

BTW i just found out that with the cree it will use up batts that my A2 couldnt use, and it works just fine.

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