my first flashlight story :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2008
while changing the battery in my 89 year old neighbors smoke detector i dropped a small screw into a dark corner,

got my D10 out and as soon as it turned on she remarked

'oooooooooooooooooh thats a bright one'

i couldnt believe she noticed or even cared:crackup: :thinking:

she is now the proud owner of a romisen rc-g2.

she is soooooo happy,

she said shes always loved flashlights, we sat there in the dark for 5 minuets lighting up her front room:party:

89 year old woman :candle:
That's great! Neat story.... :) Often the case is people not even noticing, even if you try showing them, and yet an 89 year old notices right away... cool!