My name is Mike and I am an addict


Newly Enlightened
Dec 7, 2008
I arrive here today hopeful that the long journey seeking a cure is at it's end, or that I will at least find peace.

My condition is severe.. manifesting itself with numerous symptoms 'normal people' cannot understand such as:

1. Hoarding-
I... keep... multiple flashlights in: my vehicle, my desk at my office, my workshop, my living room, my kitchen, my garage, and even my sleeping area at all times.
2. Obsessive Compulsive Recharging of Flashlight Battery Syndrome-
This is of course my own self diagnosis since many in the medical community lack the insight to acknowledge this often misunderstood affliction, but as some of you may know it is very real.
3. Lust for power-
Over the years I have built up a very high tolerance to it and constantly find myself needing more.. I can always easily impress my buddies with nothing more than a 9P/P91 combo, but that hasn't been able to get the monkey off my back for a long time.

These are just a part of my plight.
There's also the financial impact of the habit. Luckily, I've never had to choose between flashlights or food.. yet.
The gateway for me was a Streamlight Stinger I experimented with years ago.. seemed harmless at the time, but now I wonder how things would have turned out if I'd not gone down that road. I must find my way back.

Can you help?
Sounds like the same thing that has happened to us all. Bad news. There is no cure. But at least you are not alone!
Welcome to CPF!
welcome aboard Blinkie!!

your post made me laugh out loud, thanks bud! 🙂

you described my habits... to the letter!!... especially the hoarding.

Hmmm what was my gateway light? Come to think of it, it was the SF C3 Black. Yup, after that I was hooked...... thankfully I am able to put it off as a need for my occupation (law enforcement) but really, who's kidding who..? 😉

(fyi - I dont think CPF is really here for a means to a cure, quite the opposite actually...!)
Don't feel too bad, as most of us are in the same boat. Just look at the join dates of everyone who has responded to this thread (myself included). We've been at it for years and still can't quite kick the addiction. :crackup:
Dittos on the "Magical" Stinger which for me also started the addiction with just one charge.

Welcome aboard!
Hi, Mike! Welcome to the 12-step meet... er, CPF. There's coffee and donuts in the back after the meeting. 🙂

You're in good company Just don't expect to find revovery from flashahol here.

If you want it to get worse, hang around here more, and I guarantee that light you think is terribly expensive will not seem so expensive any more.

If you want it to get worse, hang around here more, and I guarantee that light you think is terribly expensive will not seem so expensive any more.


And, for the love of God, watch out for Buy/Sell/Trade!!!!
With this post, I will break my status as a lurker (against my doctors orders).
I too have this condition, and did not have the courage to admit it to others, let alone myself. As others have said - I remember looking at some of the prices and being surprised - now, I only think of how to get the funds, as well as how to justify it (to my wife, obviously a flashlight is justified by definition) the quality of construction long outlives the temporary sore wallet.
Unfortunately, I had also gone to the marketplace...yes it may be easier to justify a great deal, but now I have also tasted from the well of other necessities (thanks Bullfrog, the BM MiniGrip is excellent - but my thumb hurts!). I also now have other cravings - Titanium, warm CRI, etc - before I was just lusting for lumens.
I have come to realize that there are powers that are beyond my control, and I must accept what I am powerless to change.
I do feel much better now -and I think it is time for another aquisition.
After all, this is cheaper than the doctors visits...
You just have to keep reminding yourself it is at least a marginally, sometimes wildly, useful past-time.
I only came here with a simple question about batteries... :shrug:
well mike if you think you gonna solve any issues with flashaholisms by coming forward you are WRONG.

You cannot better, only worse...LOL

welcome on board chap, kostas