My new display stand..

Team Member

Nov 20, 2005
Is there someone else who has a display stand like I do? ;)


This is just a preview. It´s not standing where it should...
More to come..
lol i've seen those displays in retail stores before....that is def a nice collection, and a nice knife lol :thumbsup:
Somebody had one up for sale here on CPF several months ago. I'm grateful somebody snapped it up while I was trying to figure out if I had enough time to make a trip to Oklahoma and back to pick it up over the weekend. By the time I checked it out on Mapquest and figured it was do-able, somebody else had beat me to the punch. It was that terrible good/bad mix you get when you're saved from spending too much on that really neat thing you know you don't really need.
Beautiful Display. My nightstand is becoming a bit crowded. (Counted 15 lights on it today. NOT well organized.) I think I need one of these. Along with one of each model of flashlight made by SF, Fenix, Streamlight, etc.....Did I mention knives????
lol, if i had a mansion, i'd def wnat this displace case lol...

also, did any body notice the traffic cone in the back? LOL
Team Member, That is SWEET!

Fill it up and then please update this thread:poke::grin2:

I Almost bought one like it a while back but decided to hold off.

Cant wait to see some updates:naughty:
This is how it´s going to look like..
It´s past midnight here now..



This will do for now..:wave:
The "just about empty" Surefire display at my local Sportsman's Warehouse just sat there & sat there & sat there getting dusty. For some reason, they weren't using it.

Sure they had some lights in the display counter as well as some additional ones all jumbled up in a box. I couldn't figure out their "sales strategy" & product presentation!

Finally the Surefire display vaporized from the sales floor. I tried 3 times to "take it off their hands". They said it was stored in the back & belonged to the Surefire rep. Hmmm, maybe I should go back & try again?!
Team Member, i do believe you stole batman's display case from the batcave.
Nice display case, very clean solution.
Good job.
Looks incredible Team Member! I wouldn´t hesitate and put it in my living room for sure. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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This is how it´s going to look like..
It´s past midnight here now..

This will do for now..:wave:

:eek: Awesome. :twothumbs:kewlpics:

How much does a display case like this go for? (I'm sure I can't presently afford one [or the stuff to fill it], but I'd still like to know. ;) )
:eek: Awesome. :twothumbs:kewlpics:

How much does a display case like this go for? (I'm sure I can't presently afford one [or the stuff to fill it], but I'd still like to know. ;) )

Well, I wouldn´t know since I got mine for free... Or atleast I had to pay the gas money to go and get it.

Sometimes you got to be lucky :D