my new ebay laser


Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2007
I received my new 10mW ebay greenie yesterday. It looks like a new wish laser, but its silver and doesnt have "Laser Pointer" written on the pen clip thing, so im guessing its one of those "cheaper" lasers found on kaidomain and dealextreme. it does come with one of those gift boxes. i tested it and so far i like it. theres a very visible beam in the dark, and theres no leakage, if i am correct as to what that means; its just a solid dot with nothing around it and no holes in it. it does not take long to warm up, and i dont feel any heat, which i dont think i should from a 10mW. the main thing i dont like, is the batterys shake from side to side in it, so it feels loose and not well put together. the button is also a little wobbly.

oh, and i asked this in another thread, but im confused about this, as most lasers have the same thing. the label on it says, "maximum output <10mW". how much less than 10mW is that really?
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Regarding the "loose" or "wobbly" feel of the button, this is extremely common, and is found even in $2,000.00 lasers.

Battery rattle is also fairly common, even in expensive lasers; but not quite as common as "wobbly" switch buttons.

Some of that "10mW" output may be NIR and IR radiation from the pump diode (808nm) and the Nd:YV04 crystal (1,064nm). The only reliable way to nondestructively check for the presence or absence of an IR filter is through spectroscopy. If none is found, expect your laser to produce NO MORE than 10mW of laser radiation at 532nm in the green part of the spectrum. This could be 5.06mW or it could be 9.99mW. The only way to tell for certain is to run it through a spectrometer first (to check for IR) and then have its power output measured using a laser power meter specifically designed for that purpose.
A little tape wrapped around on the batteries should quiet those down.
Just make sure it's not a gooey, or tacky brand of tape that might get inside the battery tube.
thanks for the batter tip. i was going to use those tine rubber bands you use for braces, but i didnt have any, so ill try the tape.

EDIT: the tape worked, thanks. but it took a while for me to get it perfectly fitted.
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