My new Fenix L2D Q5 less bright on low than L2D-CE


Newly Enlightened
Nov 7, 2007
I'm new to the forum so this is my first official thread:)

I just bought a Fenix L2D-CE and an L2D Q5 Premium (based on my readings here in this forum-thanks everyone!)from to compare and was suprised to find that the older L2D-CE was brighter on the low setting than the Q5 Premium. The Q5 is rated at 12 Lumens on Low and the CE is rated at 9 Lumens, so I'm wondering if I got a bad one? I tested both with brand new batteries, both Alkaline and Lithium with the same results. The Q5 is brighter on all other settings FYI.

I'm hoping this is just a fluke because I'd like to use the Q5 for a backpacking light up here in the high country of Colorado. The Q5 has about the same runtimes as the CE but is brighter overall, which is why I want to use it. I use the low most of the time when outdoors and having a slightly brighter Low (12 Lumens as opposed to 9) with the same excellent runtime is what really appeals to me on the Q5 (if it works correctly!).

Anyone else seen this issue?

It might be the different Vf of the LEDs. If you don't like it, ask for a replacement.

Isn't a lower Low usually good? If you go out in the dark often, you might find the lower low more useful.

a lower low isn't what all of us want or need.
i usually keep my fenix on medium at least.
i think he's saying if he had a brighter low, he could just use that low mode most of the time, keeping his 55 hr runtime.
hi Coloradowildman,

i've read about that somewhere in the forums regarding the Q5 Fenix's.
i don't remember what model it was but the low was lower on the Q5 premium compared to the regular version.
all other modes were higher on the Q5 just like yours.

as others have stated, it's probably due to a few factors including, Vf of the LED, smooth vs. textured reflector.

all in all, it shouldn't be a problem since your other levels are brighter on the Q5 version.

:thumbsup: you might actually appreciate the lower low on the Q5 for when those times you want really low light.
Hi all.....thanks for the replies! I was able to do some more testing in the darkness and discovered that the Q5 is actually whiter on Low and has a slightly different beam area, which initially threw me. It does seem now that the Q5 is actually slightly brighter after seeing the two repeatedly in the dark.

This is GREAT because I was using a Mini-Maglite LED (2 AA) and can now use the Fenix Q5 instead without sacrificing weight on a hike into the Rockies. The Mini-Maglite LED was actually an excellent light (around 40 to 50 Lumens) but the runtime was only several hours with the one setting even on Lithiums. Now I can use Energizer E2 Lithiums in this little Q5 monster and get 80 plus hours on Low when hiking\camping while still having the ability to blast a mountain lion with 180 Lumens if he thinks about getting too close (then comes bear spray if neccessary!).

Really excited about this cool flashlight as a backpacking tool. The other plus is using the Lithium E2's, because at night in the mountains it gets below zero in the Fall requently and the E2's won't blink. I chose the L2D (as a backpacking tool) because of the AA batteries, as the 123's are too expensive and not available enough in the middle of nowhere at an old mountain town country store:)

Most of us have been complaining about the low not being low enough for:
Close in work,
Reading menus in dark restaurants,
Reading program in the theater without disturbing other patrons.
Fenix could have heard our calls for help and deliberately made the low lower.
:whistle: But then wouldn't they have also offered a 3- or 4-level model without SOS and strobe?

I'd like to see one that did 4 levels (3 lumens, 30 lumens, 110 lumens, and 220 lumens) with the reverse-clickie and not having a turning bezel at all- it is unreliable on my L2D-CE. Keeps switching modes/ not coming on from off; cleaning the threads doesn't fix the problem. It seems to arise from the inherently unreliable contact between two threaded parts that aren't screwed tight at the time. It's totally reliable on turbo/strobe, since the body is screwed down tight against the circuit board ring solder pad.

OR -- Perhaps the 3-lumen mode could be put on the low-bezel setting (not tight) and the other three on the high-bezel setting! Then when you're doing really low-level work it won't randomly switch to higher (possibly annoyingly or maybe even harmfully bright) modes! When you're in high-bezel setting, you won't have the annoyance of having to toggle through a uselessly dim mode. And since the bezel is tight, the higher modes won't randomly change either!

Yes, 220 lumens would hit the AAs pretty hard, but I use Eneloops. Not a problem. :cool: Besides, a 2:1 brightness difference is not really as significant as it sounds. The 110 lm would be adequate for most things, with the 220 being available if you really needed it!!

Edit: I wonder if the intermittent problem could be fixed by a couple small blobs of just one part of a two-part conductive epoxy on the threads? Has anyone tried this kind of approach?

Edit #2: I tried this today, using Circuit Works conductive epoxy CW2400 part B ONLY on the threads. I used four 2mm dia. x 1mm high dollops, and spread them around on the body threads. This made the turning a bit more sluggish, though still totally usable. Also, the head now feels firmer to the body when not in turbo mode. The modes have not changed once on me all day since doing this! I think it is a success, though I don't know how long it will last. Also, I must be REALLY careful to never accidentally refresh the mod using the A part of the epoxy!!!
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UPDATE- I've been using this light for about a week now and have to say that it is great. My main concern is the long-term reliability such as what lyyyghtmaster mentioned. If it holds out then it is the ultimate portable flashlight for me. What's really cool is that this Q5 Premium now has a strong throw in turbo mode simply because it's so bright. I compared the throw to a new 2-D Maglite LED and it is very close out to a couple of hundred feet. Out here in the mountains it is nice have a strong throwing light and this little wonder now has enough in the Q5 version. The regular L2D-CE was great but even in Turbo mode got outgunned by the 2-D cell Maglite LED in seeing an object at distance.

lyyyghtmaster, just curious, have you sent in your Q5 (or CE) for warranty repair?
