My next flashlight...


Newly Enlightened
Oct 21, 2008
Hallo i'm new. Nice to be here and nice to join this great forum

Well, one month ago i bought my first hi-end (medium-end?) falshlight, a Surefire G2 LED (80 lumen), payed 89 :)mecry:) euros, as in Italy are more expensive then in US..... Since then i become a maniac about flashlights....

The G2 is a great flashlight even if I expected some more output power... My first choice was a defender E2D Led (120 lumen) but it was 180 euro or 130 euro throught too expensive...

Now i would like to buy one other, more powerfull, light. I don't know if it could be a good idea to buy a Ed2 (love at first sight:crackup:) (a question: is the increase of 40 lumen noticeable? Specially outdoor, when my G2 has too few lumen) or, the cheaper Fenix TK10-11 (225 lumen* I know that SF understimate the lumen....) at "only" 70 euros....

I don't need the light for any particular use.... just something portable to carry on in my jacket, use it sometimes while walking in the night with my dog, and specially a gadget to impress my friends! It should be interesting also for self defence but i've read are not enough powerfull for this purpose....

Thanks a lot in advance
your best bet is to have patience and wait for a cpf member that ships internationally, it works for me, and there arent even any Surefire dealers or importers in Peru, GUARANTEED.

this is a good opportunity for me to thank CPF for the marketplace, it has helped me a lot, and the members are great.

Register in the marketplace :thumbsup:
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Many have suggested that a light not be used for self-defense purposes. Almost any amount of light will impair a person's night adapted vision, so either the E2DL or TK10 would be fine for that task. I myself own neither of the two, but both have great build quality reputations. You really can't go wrong with SF or Fenix. When it comes down to selecting a flashlight, all the recommendations in the world all come down to what is best for you. Is the SF worth the extra Euros to you or not? Because you're the one outlaying the cash for the purchase, you're not gonna win or lose any popularity contests by buying one or the other. Do a little bit more research and make a decision based on your preferences, but kindly thank those who offer advice along the way. My .02, you'd be fine either way, but I'd go with the Fenix for monetary reasons. Also, :welcome:
Thanks you Brighterisbetter.
I'd like to know also from someone who own the 2 light which one is better for spitting distant targets
If you are wanting a thrower, the Fenix TK11 will blow both the surefires you have mentioned away (stock).
welcome to CPF.:welcome:
the my favorite light today is the SF e2e.... tomorrow who knows. lots cheaper than the e2d. please let us know what an e2e would cost you in euros. converting to euros from dollars i paid roughly 80 euros for mine. this was a very good deal.:D
i converted the euros to dollars and i amazed at the prices you mentioned. that said, you will get more bang for the euro with the fenix t1 without question.
also, you may not get as good of customer service with SF in europe. others will be able to respond better on this.
go with your gut feeling. do you want an incan or LED? do you think you will modify your light? if yes to to incan or modification SF is the winner.
The E2D costs 180 euros in a italian specialized website, excl. expedition fee of course... There are few american websites that ship SF to Italy... One in amazon but it's 145 dollars plus expedition... about 130 euros. This is why i want to be sure before afford such expense

I could find the Fenix in some shops not so far from my home, at only 70 euros....

I'd like something more powerfull and thrower then my G2L.... As i'm not an expert i don't know if the 40 more lumen of the ED2 make the difference of if i need something else
The optic of the E2DL gives the light a good amount of throw for the size. But it also gives less spill compared to a reflector light of the same output.

The TK10/TK11 are both brighter then the E2DL, the Tk10 I think, one of the T series, was tested by MrGman to be at the stated output so the rest should be around that range.

As for throw, I haven't seen any numbers for the E2DL so I'm not sure.

I'd say go for the Fenix right now, if they store has a return policy, then return the light.

The TK10 at Fenix Store is $76.50 USD including shipping. With the 8% off coupon and converting to euro(using google's number) that is around 54 euro shipped from the US. I'm not sure how much it will be with import tax though.

Hallo i'm new. Nice to be here and nice to join this great forum

Well, one month ago i bought my first hi-end (medium-end?) falshlight, a Surefire G2 LED (80 lumen), payed 89 :)mecry:) euros, as in Italy are more expensive then in US..... Since then i become a maniac about flashlights....

The G2 is a great flashlight even if I expected some more output power... My first choice was a defender E2D Led (120 lumen) but it was 180 euro or 130 euro throught too expensive...

Now i would like to buy one other, more powerfull, light. I don't know if it could be a good idea to buy a Ed2 (love at first sight:crackup:) (a question: is the increase of 40 lumen noticeable? Specially outdoor, when my G2 has too few lumen) or, the cheaper Fenix TK10-11 (225 lumen* I know that SF understimate the lumen....) at "only" 70 euros....

I don't need the light for any particular use.... just something portable to carry on in my jacket, use it sometimes while walking in the night with my dog, and specially a gadget to impress my friends! It should be interesting also for self defence but i've read are not enough powerfull for this purpose....

Thanks a lot in advance

Those prices are pretty damn bad on the Surefire models.
You aren't going to notice that big of a difference between 80 and 120 lumens. Honestly you might not see any difference at all unless you compare the lights side by side.

I would look into something from or, because both of those sites offer free worldwide shipping and have a 8% off discount for CPF members. They also have truly top of the line flashlights that will walk all over any Surefire anywhere near its price range. Here is a small list of lights that you might like:

Fenix TK11
Fenix PD30
Olight M20 Premium

These three lights are all great choices. If huge throw is what you're looking for then the M20 and the TK11 are your best choices. The PD30 is much smaller and easier to pocket carry. Good luck!

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