my nitecore ezaa clip


Newly Enlightened
Jul 5, 2009
i just wanted to share with everyone a clip i made for my nitecore ezaa. i thought it might be helpful to anyone out there like me that's been wanting a clip for the ezaa. i shaped it out of a sheet of stainless steel and connected it with a round top bolt that i grinded flat on top to keep the tailstand option. i then sand blasted it to give it the smooth texture. i'm very pleased with the outcome. well, hope you enjoy


Nice job! Your clip is way better than the factory one ;)
I like the anti-tamper screw, gives it that high-tech look. As an alternative for those that don't have media blasters, a wire wheel on a grinder makes a decent matte finish. This acts as a rough buffer and helps take out scratches/tools marks too.
That's very nice.
On a side note, I'm waiting for Moddoo's EZ AA Ti clips to be released.
thanks everyone! and ronstar your absolutely right. i wire wheel or fine sandpaper will put a nice matte finish on it as well. this whole setup was actually made in a couple hours with a cutting wheel on a hand grinder, a dremel set, a drill, and the sand blaster just because i had one there.
Got any more? I really like this one uses the threading at the back for mounting instead of using the holes (like a D10 clip).
Very Nice! :rock:
You now have me thinking about making something like that for my stainless Maratac AAA.:naughty: I'm going to have to take some measurements to find out how thick the end is to see if there is enough material to drill and tap to attach a clip like that and seal the screw with some type of silicone. :thinking: