My "problem"

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Newly Enlightened
Apr 8, 2011
Newbie here, gosh am I glad to have found out that I am not alone with my "problem", i.e. flashlights! What's her name has been claiming for years that I have a "thing" about flashlights, hinting about abnormal. Presently I only have a handful of Maglite's, some small plastic 2cell AA junk, a Xenon from Cabella's, and a couple of Fenix TK-10's. Just ordered a TK-35 but let's not count that yet. What I NEED is a good UV or blacklight type light for scorpion detection. With summer approaching it's just a matter of weeks before they'll be out at night. And advise would be more than welcome. Not ready to build something just yet.
Use the google box above "UV lights"
There a lots of existing threads.
UV for scorpions
For future reference a descriptive thread title will let people know exactly what your thread is about.
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