Need Advice on gift for my mom fro Christmas


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2006
I am think about getting my mom a bewtter light for christmas. I am looking at the Coast P7 or the Eagle Tac P10A2. Mainly has to be a AAA or AA light with a simple UI. Curently she just has an old Led lenser &the original T4. Any ideas??
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You didn't specify size or purpose, but these are the lights I can think of that fit your criteria:

Jetbeam Element E3P
Fenix L1T V2
Fenix L2T V2
Fenix TK20
Eagletac P10A
Eagletac P10A2

The Jetbeam, TK20, and P10A2 would be my top choices out of that list.
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not sure that most mums are into large blinding flashlights. How about the fenix LD01 or the older L0D (now that they are cheaper). If you want to go classy then get her stainless steel variety.

On another note, I just gave my mum a fenix e20, she loves it.
Thank guys, it might turn out to be the Led lenser P14 due to the fact that she saw mine and wanted one.
Jetbeam Element E3P sounds like it would be a nice gift for a mother, or any other lady for that matter.

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