Need Advise for 91 Chevrolet Corvette C4


Apr 26, 2002
Carson, California
Hello everyone,

My dad just purchased a 91 Chevrolet Corvette from my uncle for $2000. Now, it may sound like a bargain. However it has a lots of problem ranging from the ignition, to interior leather ripping, to virtually all of the warning lights are on. The paint on the body is pretty much faded and oxidized due to lack of maintenance (I don't think it has ever been waxed). Do any of you think it's still a decent deal knowing that my dad is gonna have to spend lots of money just to get this car going or restored?

When I have time, I might post up some pictures later.

Your advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance!
First get a catalog from Mid America order a free catalog for the C4 you will thank me later. You can literally put it together piece by piece from this book. I did a 86 coupe and an 91 conv from them and bought parts& accessories for my 01 C5 cheaper that my dealer Discount from the local guys. Don't worry about the seats too much the C4 seats come out easy and You can get readymade ones from them in cloth or leather or buy the kit and do it yourself. I would get it running right first and do all the maintaince it needs then worry about paint and interior. Check the brakes the C4 is well known for ABS (antilock) problems mostly wheel speed sensors and pump relays.

Before you get started make a list of all the things you see wrong and keep track of them
If this car has sat for a while you can get alot of codes & warning lights just from the battery being low, charge the battery overnite and check voltage from the alternator before buying any parts. Investing in a code reader and Chevrolet service manual from Mid america will save you a ton of headaches down the road. Post some pics if you can
Mid America is only about 9 miles from my house. That place is HUGE. Rumor is, he is wanting to put a full size race track there...It's just a rumor though.
It won't be worth the money or time that would have to be dumped into it. They're not very well made or reliable cars, and add its age and the current shape you described, I dont think it's worth the effort.
Mid America is a good place to deal with and stocks what they sell but you and your Dad have to decide if its worth it to you to put any money into it.

This is what helps me to find out. Any used or classic car I buy thats not finished or is a [project} car has to have 1 thing in good shape Paint, Interior OR Engine&Trans. One of those has to be good for me to consider it. Thats my way I don't want a total Sh*tbox that the owner never even popped the hood to fill the washer tank because then you know NOTHING was ever fixed on the car.
Thats my way and it works for me. If you guys are looking for a fun car to get running and test the quality of Police radar in the neighborhood don't dump too much cash in it and have fun getting it on the road
Does your dad plan on doing ALL the work himself? I mean from the engine, to the electrical, interior, and painting? If not, he's better off buying one that's already restored and take advantage of someone else's loss. In my experience, it will cost you more to restore a junker than to buy one that's already in the condition you want. You will either spend money, time, or both. If he enjoys doing that type of work, then think of it as the cost of the hobby. If he's thinking of it as an investment, it's one of the worst investments you can make. Assume you will make a 50% return on anything you put into it, and be doing all the work for free. Unless it's a special edition corvette with some unique history (i.e. pace car, famous owner, etc) or the car of his dreams, I wouldn't recommend it. He is going to lose money on it, that's almost guaranteed.

If it's the car that he's always dreamed about, then go for it, because you can't put a price on that type of happiness.
Thank you so much for all of your advises! I really appreciate them all. I told my dad all of my concerns about restoring the C4. I read all of your post and told him what are the potential problems may be. But he purchased the car anyway. It's in the shop right now being tuned up and needed the injectors replaced, seat belt tensioners replaced, and a few more. So far, $1,500 is the damage to get it working. But I guess the value that will come out from this is that, my dad LOVES cars and been wanting a Corvette ever since but could not afford a new one. Besides, I'll be helping him restore this car so we can have that father-son bonding time like how it was before when I was a kid. :) Now married and will have kids one of these days, I would love to have that time with my son too.

Anyway, I will update this thread with pictures once the car arrives from the shop.

Again, Thank you so much for your inputs!
Congrats on the car and that's one of the fun parts is hanging out working on it with your dad or buddies. one more thing i would do Is have the shop Clean the Throttle body & IAC Motor (IDLE SPEED MOTOR) passage. Works wonders on lumpy Idle cars or ones with flat spots. I fixed so many customer complaints just by doing this is isn't funny. Most people forget that it's a necessary maintaince item and so easy to do. You can have the shop do it while he's changing the injectors or wait and do it at home yourselves up to you
Congrats on the car and that's one of the fun parts is hanging out working on it with your dad or buddies. one more thing i would do Is have the shop Clean the Throttle body & IAC Motor (IDLE SPEED MOTOR) passage. Works wonders on lumpy Idle cars or ones with flat spots. I fixed so many customer complaints just by doing this is isn't funny. Most people forget that it's a necessary maintaince item and so easy to do. You can have the shop do it while he's changing the injectors or wait and do it at home yourselves up to you

Man, Vinnie, I wish you live closer to us. Or, maybe we can drive all the way down to Jersey :D. Oh wait, I don't think this car could make it all the way up there.....for now, that is ;). Thank you so much for all of your tips!