NEED HELP with first mod. 2d Mlite


Newly Enlightened
Feb 5, 2010
Elgin, IL
I'm just getting into this. I have a decent shop to work in. Been looking at what a lot of you all have been doing and I'm literally blown away. Don't want to make any nu-be errors... Wondering of any of you guys have plans or material list for assembling about a 600L maglite, thinking of using 2D stock unit with 4AA holders instead of the D's, or CR123 holders [do they make them?]. DX looks like a good place for parts, any others? also where can I buy some heat sinks and glow powder to add to epoxy? As with any new hobby gaining a level of proficiency and confidence is a must. I'd like nothing more than to be able to do a great first build.
Welcome to CPF, BerettaM9USAF.

I'll move your thread to the H&M section. You should get some helpful replies and pointers there.
If you are looking for a good incan mod in 2D cell then, then try out a Mag11, relatively easy to build and about 880 lumens, give or take.

It takes 6aa's in a holder available here

Youll need a socket to hold the bi-pin lamps here;

WA 1111 bulbs, aluminum reflectors and glass lens available here;

Have fun and enjoy, i like my mag11, not the brightest thing i own but cool none the less.:thumbsup:

Oh and one more thing, make sure you use good Nimh batteries, i recommend either Eneloops or equivelant.
Thanks folks! I'm trying to build what I want to accomplish on paper as to not waste time and Money. You all have some great insight and mods, I'm a bit overwhelmed on the possibilities though...

I am looking at the links provided [thx again]...and have a lot of reading to do.

Anyone else with other points of view, recommendations etc. would be appreciated. Still looking to a good heat sink to use [not too pricey], any thoughts?
or if youre looking to go a little bit cheaper route you can go with the "roar of the pelican" mod or ROP as its referred to on here. it will give you a little closer to the 600 lumens you were looking for (1111 is over 800) and does'nt require the bi-pin adapter.

do a search for ROP high, youll find all kinds of info on it, but heres you a thread to get you started

have fun:devil:
Looks like I might go with a 3 cell C mag, but they are getting hard to find. Wally Mart should have them still. As with a lot of folks $ is tight, but I need new projects to keep my mind busy.

If anyone has any mods or links please share them, I don't have time to go thru every topic. but I always look at the links you all share!
Looks like I might go with a 3 cell C mag, but they are getting hard to find. Wally Mart should have them still. As with a lot of folks $ is tight, but I need new projects to keep my mind busy.

If anyone has any mods or links please share them, I don't have time to go thru every topic. but I always look at the links you all share!

If youre going to go with a C cell build then you should try the 2c with 2 x IMR 26500's and a ROP bulb, i just done this build and love it, although im using the 3854 hi, u could use the 3853 high to get your desired lumen output and its upgradeable to the 3854 if you wanted to step up the output. Two IMR's will give you a nominal 7.4v, lumen rating on the graph here

As for finding it at walmart, good luck! i got mine from for like $15, because nobody carries the 2 C cell. You'll still need the glass lens and metal reflector but these bulbs are drop in and dont require the bi-pin adapter, however you may want to do like i did and get the MagC tower so you dont melt anything down, here

Heres the link for AW's thread for the Lion batterys