Flashlight Enthusiast
Well, for three years my PowerMac G4 with OS X 10.3 has been performing flawlessly. Never even locked up once.
But then the other night, I did a software update, which comprised an iTunes update of about 50 MB, a Quicktime update of about 50 MB, and a Security update 2007-2008 v.1 of about 50 MB.
Normally I disable the software firewall on the OS when I do this, but I didn't do that this time--don't think that would matter, but there it is for the record.
And, normally, I click RESTART at the end of the process, but this time I clicked SHUTDOWN, because I wanted to power down my Linksys WRT-54GL router (running DD-WRT with the SPI firewall enabled, and "no annonymous WAN requests" radial button selected, along with all the others in that section. -- Router SPI firewall was ENABLED during this whole thing).
So, anyway, the computer shutdown, and I powered down the router, waited 10 seconds, powered it back up, waited 10 seconds, then started my computer. It never got to the familar OS X loading screen. Instead the monitor went completely black and stayed that way. After a couple minutes I hit the hardware restart button below the larger turn on button, and it restarted just like normal.
I was a bit concerned about the strange behavoir, but didn't think too much of it.
However, a couple hours later, I went to my OS X mail program and clicked it on the dock, and it immediately crashed. And it always crashes whenever it is loaded. And, I have another administrator account on this computer that is untouched, and MAIL crashes on it in just the same way, so it's not a P-list thing.
This is the crash report:
What should I do? Should I do an archive and install, or should I wipe the hard drive and do a clean install or is there an easier way to deal with this.
My computer is acting a bit "off" in general now, actually. More strange pauses, and slower response times, and Safari also crashes repeatedly when trying to load certain webpages. Firefox will load them just fine, though.
I also verified and repaired the permissions on my hard drive. (As well as backed up everything important!)
Please help!
But then the other night, I did a software update, which comprised an iTunes update of about 50 MB, a Quicktime update of about 50 MB, and a Security update 2007-2008 v.1 of about 50 MB.
Normally I disable the software firewall on the OS when I do this, but I didn't do that this time--don't think that would matter, but there it is for the record.
And, normally, I click RESTART at the end of the process, but this time I clicked SHUTDOWN, because I wanted to power down my Linksys WRT-54GL router (running DD-WRT with the SPI firewall enabled, and "no annonymous WAN requests" radial button selected, along with all the others in that section. -- Router SPI firewall was ENABLED during this whole thing).
So, anyway, the computer shutdown, and I powered down the router, waited 10 seconds, powered it back up, waited 10 seconds, then started my computer. It never got to the familar OS X loading screen. Instead the monitor went completely black and stayed that way. After a couple minutes I hit the hardware restart button below the larger turn on button, and it restarted just like normal.
I was a bit concerned about the strange behavoir, but didn't think too much of it.
However, a couple hours later, I went to my OS X mail program and clicked it on the dock, and it immediately crashed. And it always crashes whenever it is loaded. And, I have another administrator account on this computer that is untouched, and MAIL crashes on it in just the same way, so it's not a P-list thing.
This is the crash report:
Date/Time: 2007-12-08 12:13:51 -0500
OS Version: 10.3.9 (Build 7W98)
Report Version: 2
Command: Mail
Path: /Applications/Mail.app/Contents/MacOS/Mail
Version: 1.3.11 (622)
PID: 729
Thread: 0
Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x66656374
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x908611f4 objc_msgSend + 0x14
1 com.apple.MessageFramework 0x86954d54 +[MailAccount createAccountWithDictionary:] + 0x5c
2 com.apple.MessageFramework 0x8694f684 +[Account readAccountsUsingDefaultsKey:] + 0x1ec
3 com.apple.MessageFramework 0x868c6bcc +[MailAccount mailAccounts] + 0x58
4 com.apple.MessageFramework 0x868ed84c +[MailAccount activeAccounts] + 0x24
5 com.apple.mail 0x0000f648 0x1000 + 0xe648
6 com.apple.mail 0x00092da0 0x1000 + 0x91da0
7 com.apple.AppKit 0x92ea1cfc -[NSIBObjectData nibInstantiateWithOwner:topLevelObjects:] + 0x398
8 com.apple.AppKit 0x92f3606c old_loadNib + 0xf4
9 com.apple.AppKit 0x92eeaa04 +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) _loadNibFile:nameTable:withZonewnerBundle:] + 0x35c
10 com.apple.AppKit 0x92f698a0 +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibFile:externalNameTable:withZone:] + 0x9c
11 com.apple.AppKit 0x92f7b0a0 +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibNamedwner:] + 0x174
12 com.apple.AppKit 0x92f69708 NSApplicationMain + 0x174
13 com.apple.mail 0x0000ed3c 0x1000 + 0xdd3c
14 com.apple.mail 0x0003dc34 0x1000 + 0x3cc34
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x908611f4 srr1: 0x0200f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
cr: 0x44000422 xer: 0x00000002 lr: 0x86954d54 ctr: 0x908611e0
r0: 0x86954d54 r1: 0xbffff900 r2: 0x00000187 r3: 0x869cf190
r4: 0x869aee18 r5: 0x00000054 r6: 0x00000073 r7: 0x00000005
r8: 0xffba31b8 r9: 0x000000cd r10: 0x908621ac r11: 0x869c0954
r12: 0x66656374 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15: 0x00000000
r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0x0043a480 r18: 0xa2e9a6a8 r19: 0xa2eaa6a8
r20: 0xa2eaa6a8 r21: 0x0041e420 r22: 0x00459160 r23: 0x0041e480
r24: 0x00000002 r25: 0x00000000 r26: 0x0041c910 r27: 0x869d2318
r28: 0x0045ce40 r29: 0x0041e450 r30: 0x869cf190 r31: 0x86954cf8
Binary Images Description:
. . . (this part didn't seem useful) . . .
What should I do? Should I do an archive and install, or should I wipe the hard drive and do a clean install or is there an easier way to deal with this.
My computer is acting a bit "off" in general now, actually. More strange pauses, and slower response times, and Safari also crashes repeatedly when trying to load certain webpages. Firefox will load them just fine, though.
I also verified and repaired the permissions on my hard drive. (As well as backed up everything important!)
Please help!