Need quick release rifle mount (on flashlight side)


Jul 12, 2007
Pennington, NJ
I posted this on an AR15 forum and nobody knew of one, but maybe you guys do since you're more into flashlights. I'm looking for a mount exactly like this, but in offset format:

My goal is to be able to take the flashlight completely out of the mount quickly, and without any tools. It needs to be offset because the flashlight is huge and I don't want it sticking any further out than it has to.

The flashlight is a JetBeam M1X (needs a 1" mount), and it's being mounted on a Picatinny/1913 rail. Any help is appreciated, and thanks.
offset how?

An offset mount does this: if you mount that M78 at the 3 o'clock position on your gun's rail, the flashlight will also be at the 3 o'clock position. An offset mount drops it down so the flashlight sits at around the 4:30 position (or the 1:30), thus sits closer to the gun, and fits in the area between the 3 and 6 o'clock rail (or 12 and 3 o'clock rail).

*EDIT, hopefully this picture shows was an offset mount looks like:
There are a number of off-set mounts, but the OP wants an off-set quick release that leaves no hardware on the flashlight itself.

I did blew through pages of mounts, but none had the exact combination of off-set and a "quick release" on the flashlight.

To tell you the truth, the only "quick release" for flashlight side release I've found is the Surefire mount listed.

There are a number of off-set mounts, but the OP wants an off-set quick release that leaves no hardware on the flashlight itself.

I did blew through pages of mounts, but none had the exact combination of off-set and a "quick release" on the flashlight.

To tell you the truth, the only "quick release" for flashlight side release I've found is the Surefire mount listed.


Oh ok. I need to learn to read the entire post.

I think you will need to lego your setup.

Use this: (or something similar) 9690a 3slot angle riser.htm

and the Surefire quick release thingy.
Vltor mounts tighten on the flashlight and rail at the same time. I use mine without a VFG on the left side of the receiver. Loosen the screw to remove the mount and the light comes right out. The mount will not stay on the rifle with the light removed.

Also, take a look at the Elzetta ZROC mount.

It looks like it uses a separate thumbscrew for holding the flashlight in place, which means it would probably work for your needs.

Vltor mounts tighten on the flashlight and rail at the same time. I use mine without a VFG on the left side of the receiver. Loosen the screw to remove the mount and the light comes right out. The mount will not stay on the rifle with the light removed.

i have that EXACT same setup, vfh included. works well but the G2 is SUPER tight to get in and out.
I think you will need to lego your setup.
I fear that will drop the flashlight just as far off to the side as if I was using the Surefire mount I originally posted. Thanks for the advice though (I still have to find my old mount like that and see for sure though).

Vltor mounts tighten on the flashlight and rail at the same time.
Vltor makes good stuff, but unfortunately that mount isn't an offset one (and I know I'm being picky, but when it's a huge flashlight you really have to strive to make it so it doesn't stick out 4" off the side ;)

Also, take a look at the Elzetta ZROC mount.
That's a damn ugly mount, but it actually fits the bill perfectly. I take it the bottom thumbscrew is the tensioner for the flashlight? I will have to unscrew the flashlight tube to get it off, but that beats having to use allen wrenches or whatnot to remove the mount. Thanks!
I fear that will drop the flashlight just as far off to the side as if I was using the Surefire mount I originally posted. Thanks for the advice though (I still have to find my old mount like that and see for sure though).

Vltor makes good stuff, but unfortunately that mount isn't an offset one (and I know I'm being picky, but when it's a huge flashlight you really have to strive to make it so it doesn't stick out 4" off the side ;)

That's a damn ugly mount, but it actually fits the bill perfectly. I take it the bottom thumbscrew is the tensioner for the flashlight? I will have to unscrew the flashlight tube to get it off, but that beats having to use allen wrenches or whatnot to remove the mount. Thanks!

Both of these mounts hold the light nearly the same distance off the edge of the rifle and about the same drop from the rail, with the Vltor holding the light up tighter to the rail than the Elzetta.

When you say offset, you really mean no offset. I had a Daniel Defense light mount that held the light way off the side of the rail.