need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

so my job is working on a car emergency kits for the fleet we have so they are looking for 30 choices would be out of budget quarks ,fenix LXD, even malkoffs in 2D maybe , but they are thinking $25 or less per light..1aa or 2aa

my other choices were the fenix L2T or E20 but im hoping for something a tad brighter

then theres Romisen but ...quality ?

i had what seemed a perfect choice , bright 2aa the eagletac P100a2 but where can i buy 30 and even so the price is a bit out of reach maybe i can get a bulk discount

my other coworkers who are doing the shopping on the kits are looking at these $10-$20 cheapo leds like taskforce and stuff , just browsing whatevers on the web without a clue on high output LED lights so i figure maybe i can add some real input

but again with this budget im not sure i can even help the way i wanna
Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

I think you could do alot worse than the Romisen RC-N3 from Shiningbeam. I bought the normal 2-mode for 2 different people and they both love it, and there's a nice neutral version available now.
Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

I'd have said buy cheap and ugly ones.........If they buy really nice ones to put in company cars won't they just end up in people's pockets or at their homes? Certainly would have in any of the places I used to work.
Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

Emergency light is likely going to be spending 100% of it's life in a small box in a trunk.
Even if the kit gets used, the light is maybe only going to be helpful it's nighttime.

So I would agree that budgeting $25 for lights for a emergency trunk kit is very generous.

For the non-flashoholic, that's already a 2-pack 3D/2AA Mag set which is pretty "premium".

Maybe take a look at something like the streamlight 2aa propoly LED or something like that. Nice bright yellow.

The more important choice is to get long shelf-life batteries that won't end up corroding your flashlight after 5-10 years in the body in ready-to-use mode.

Then return the extra budget to go for more blankets or advil or something.
Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

I have really loved everyone of the romisens I've bought so don't be so quick to discount them.

I really love the fenix E20 too so, I'd like to think you guys will be happy with either of those routes.

My one suggestions would be to get the romisens from a reliable site so as to make sure all the lights have been tested between you and their origins in china.
Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

While I'd naturally want to recommend the latest and greatest light, the fact that it's going to be used by non-flashaholics - and only in emergencies - makes me think that a simple UI should be one of your highest priorities.

After all, most people who use flashlights are used to clicking them on and off (multiple levels are pretty confusing!), and in an emergency, people don't have a lot of time to fiddle with UIs...and might not be thinking clearly. A confusing flashlight UI is the last thing they need. =)

A simple 1-level, click on/click off light would probably be best; if you wanted more, you could recommend a 2-level light that changes modes by twisting the head (I'm thinking Fenix TK20-type interface here.) And don't forget that if the light's going to be sitting for long periods in an emergency kit, you'll probably want to use lithium batteries, so that they'll be ready when you need `em!

Remember: we're flashaholics. To everyone else, they're just lights.

Hope this helps! And kudos to you for helping out, and slowly indoctrinating those non-flashaholics through the invidious introduction of high-end lights into the ubiquitous emergency kit... :twothumbs

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Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

Romisen RC-G2, single AA, <$11 shipped. DX sku 3607 (black) or 3609 (gray).

Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

yes i think 2 mode is most , im so spoiled and selfish im thinking im hey i drive these vehicles to so i wanna know i got a good emergency light in the back :D
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Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

I think you could do alot worse than the Romisen RC-N3 from Shiningbeam. I bought the normal 2-mode for 2 different people and they both love it, and there's a nice neutral version available now.

just checking that out , seems best thus far, just wondering what it compares to in output

i was browsing dx and saw ERNS reviews he has there and stumbled on wf606a which seemed bright ...but then again if i get 30 im bound to get a few duds and getting that sorted out on top of the month shipping times its probably not my best bet
Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

My mind is saying you are looking for a light to go into diplomatic vehicles and your budget is $25 :mecry:
Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

just checking that out , seems best thus far, just wondering what it compares to in output

i was browsing dx and saw ERNS reviews he has there and stumbled on wf606a which seemed bright ...but then again if i get 30 im bound to get a few duds and getting that sorted out on top of the month shipping times its probably not my best bet

+1 on what you said, I'd not order from DX if these are going to go in emergency toolkits etc, they might take forever to deliver as well. I've owned the WF606A and its an okay light but i found the Romisens from shiningbeam to be slightly better output wise, especially the RC N3 II Q5. It is a monster light if you run it on an RCR123 but for your purposes, i think lithium AAs would be the wisest choice.

An alternative is to separate the lights and cells and clip a fauxton on the outside of the box to provide just enough light to see and then insert the cells into the light.

Drop an email to Brian from and see if he can set you up with a better discount since you're buying 30 of these lights. The default is 6% using "CPFuser" when checking out. So far all my orders have been shipped no more than 2 days after i paid.

If the lights are going to be in an toolbox etc, Romisens are ample, just make sure that lithium batteries are used and not alkaline, you wouldnt want to have to use the light only to find that the alkalines have corroded.

I've owned and gifted a few Romisens and no complaints at all. Have nothing but praise for shiningbeam as well.
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Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

I own a couple of Romisens myself and there great lights for the price......i would also go with the RC G2, small uses one AA battery....but i would get the new version that bryan sells....seems to fit your budget as well. And a plus one for the N3 as well. And if you guys dont plan to go the lithium primary out then please put the alkie in the box and not in the light.
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Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

My mind is saying you are looking for a light to go into diplomatic vehicles and your budget is $25 :mecry:

yes yes , but i gotta think like a sane person and keep in mind theres also other stuff for the kit they need to spend there money on and im sure they think flashlights from the dollar bin are great so why spend so much on them :(
Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

Oh man.......dont say that You sure cant change a tire with that light, nevertheless see 2 yd's in front of you.
Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

I recommend the new version (ver. 4) Inova X1, as discussed in this thread. It is a 1xAA powered light and I would equip them with an Energizer E2 lithium AA battery instead of the alkaline cell it comes with.

Made in USA. Small and rugged. Cost about $20 at Target. I have been using one daily for the past 2 months.

Be sure to get the newest version -- marked 25 lumens on the package.

(I added the pocket clip and paracord shown in the photo below.)
Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

Inova's are indeed a nice light for the price as well.....rugged and easy to use. You might have to go too multiple targets to get all 30 though.
Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

There are the Mini-MagLite Rebel LED multi-mode AA lights as well in your price range.
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Re: need some input , company wants to buy 30 lights 1AA or 2AA and of course "cheap"

It seems that your going to have a lot of choices to choose from all you have to do is decide which 30 of your planning on going with.

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