need someone to design a circuit..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2004
I need some one to design a circuit similar to the but with more "umph"

These pics are out of a 100,000 volt stun gun running one 9 volt

Its for a combustion spud gun,i figure a hotter spark will work bettee

I am going to put this in a project box and need a main power switch with a LED indicator to "indicate power is on, and a momentary button to fire.

The other option is a flash type circuit, one where the caps power would be released all at once, once again a main power switch, a momentary to charge the cap, and a momentary to "fire" the cap or caps, ,The electrodes to the chamber a bolts with a 1/4" gap between the two, i may add another set of bolts later and add them in series.

Any way if someone is interested, i will pay for the parts and your time, or help me out with a easy to understand schematic"sp"
When I was younger we used a quartz piezo igniter kit in our spud guns (not that we used tators, but that is a different matter)

The igniter works real well and is very simple to install. They can be found in most outdoor centers near the gas grills.

Thanks morelite, I have a few of those, but right now i have another stungun already on the potato cannon. thank you though!!
Morelite said:
When I was younger we used a quartz piezo igniter kit in our spud guns (not that we used tators, but that is a different matter)

The igniter works real well and is very simple to install. They can be found in most outdoor centers near the gas grills.


doesnt work too well unless you know where to mount it....
if the contacts are masked by whatever the propellent is [me its WD-40 and cologne] it may not produce a spark...