New Cree EasyWhite Bins Simplify LED Design and Improve Color Consisten


Newly Enlightened
Dec 13, 2006

-----"We've listened to our customers' requests for tighter color points, especially for warm and neutral white lighting applications," said Paul Thieken, Cree, director of marketing, LED components. "Our goal is to increase end-product color consistency for all lighting applications, and EasyWhite bins can reduce manufacturing complexity and inventory needs. Customers can now buy LEDs just like traditional light bulbs, by specifying CCT and light output."-----------
FWIW, I posted chromaticity diagrams here, along with one for the new "Outdoor White" XP-E LEDs that available in the R2 flux bin.
This should go in the LED forum, but it is nice to see CREE making so many positive press releases lately.

They are certainly positioning themselves to benefit greatly as LED technology replaces compact fluorescent and incandescent lighting in the very near future. I can't wait for the day when I can go to the local store and buy a light bulb powered by a CREE LED. .. .
This has been one of my biggest gripes about Cree, and I'm glad they are addressing it.

Tracking and resolving bin-tint variables with white and warm-white Crees typically requires a Ouiji board and gregorian chants. Those of us working in fixed lighting want to specify a CCT /color temp and not do Cree's job for them.

Also, the variability with groups of lose Crees can be quite bad and is notorious with warm-white in general. By contrast I've found Bridgelux in particular to be spot on when ordering a specific color temp, and often I'll tolerate the lesser efficiency of them over odd / random green and yellow casts with Cree.

Cree's listening...good deal.