I took the LD12R out for the pre-dawn dog walk this morning.
The light is as long as the the picture shows (the one where it is held in a hand).
Main output is as expected, the full power drop off chart seems about right. The light was hot for just a few minutes, then it cooled off to warm. As it cooled the reduced output was noticeable.
The side light is floody, no hot spot at all. I'm going to look for some red strippers tape (think lithography, not boobs). Low level red light appeals to me for use in treestands and blinds.
The pocket clip is unlike any other I've seen. It's one piece and there is no way it will come off accidentally. Seems like the old spring steel clips pop off fairly frequently for me. I hope they keep this design and use it with more upcoming models. The magnet is plenty strong enough to support this light.