New LD10 tailcaps are stuck on!


Dec 4, 2008
Miramar, FL
Just got a shipment from 4sevens: (all models are Fenix)
2 TK20's (one for me, one for the mom)
1 LD10 (mom)
1 E01 (in purple for the wife)

I can't get the LD10's tailcap off. It's glued on there tight. Has anyone else ordered Fenix lights that are coming with the tailcaps stuck on the body? I emailed 4sevens about it and they said they're coming from Fenix that way. Way back when, I wanted to switch out my LD20's tailcap module to a forward clicky and was told that the cap's retaining ring was glued shut from the factory so I couldn't do it, but the whole darned tailcap? What gives?
Bag and boil. They glued them to prevent the retaining ring from backing off when you change batteries. It's blue loctite IIRC, so a little heat should work like a charm.