New SOGs


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2006
CA, 94087
I've got an EOD PowerLock, and it's great. What do you guys think of the new ones available for pre-order: PowerLock 2.0, PowerAssist, etc.? The fact that the EOD PowerAssist lacks scissors and a Philips screwdriver is a joke. :shakehead I'd love an EOD PowerAssist with those two tools, in addition to the ones it already has. That could replace a few items from my EDC.

Can't say for sure till I see one, but it looks like it should be possible to swap out tools on the handle without the power assist blades.
The fact that the EOD PowerAssist lacks scissors and a Philips screwdriver is a joke. :shakehead I'd love an EOD PowerAssist with those two tools, in addition to the ones it already has. That could replace a few items from my EDC. Opinions?

I agree - I can't believe a multitool without a phillips or scissors either. i keep thinking it does have a phillips hidden in there somewhere.
The PowerAssist non-EOD version has the Phillips instead of the pointed punch of the EOD version.