Newbie Question Can I recharge other brand of batteries in my Energizer Charger?

Cool Thanks what are some good rechargeble Batteries to buy, people say te Energizer are not good and dont last?
So what your saying is I can charge any name brand of Rechargeable batteries as long as tey are NiMH? So it dont depend on the charger?
And your saying the Eneloops, I am basically using the batteries for my Xbox wireless cotrollers and some flashligts and remotes. Again Thanks fr your time :)
Yes, what you said. Eneloops are good for those uses. You can get Eneloops in Circuit City right now at $14.96 for 8. There are other choices if you read around and research it. Batteries labeled "Pre-Charged and ready to use" are the ones to look out for these days.

With all rechargeable batteries, be very careful not to run them right down to empty as that will shorten their life. As soon as they show any signs of low power, take them out and charge them.
Hello Xintensex,

Also keep in mind that your charger will only charge cells in pairs, and it has a pretty low charge rate. You can do a search for discussions on the problems associated with charging in pairs and the pitfalls of slow charging.
