Nichia Glow Powder mixing


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2001
Houston, TX
I'm not sure which thread it was in, but at one time there were very detailed instructions on mixing this glow powder. It must have gotten lost when the site was down, because a search doesn't bring it up. Did anyone keep these instructions that they can post here? I sent the powder to Wayne to try out in his lights, but I didn't save the mixing recomendations. TX
I've also had very good luck mixing it with oil based polyurethane. The oil base is important for the colors that are not water compatible. However I think that these varnishes don't dry completely clear like the nail polish in that thread so there may be some loss there, but not much.

I used a can of white gloss spray paint for the backing and not white out, this also worked just great.

I think those proportions for mixing are just right though.

It's not as complicated as it may seem, you just need a white background, a clear medium to suspend the glow crystals and then a final coat on top to protect them from rubbing off. I have even painted things that are completely black, like the head of my streamlight 3n and it glows just fine for finding it in the dark, it just won't light up the room that way.

Thanks. I guess I just didn't search for the right word.

Wayne, if you pickup on this thread, drop me an email. If I don't hear from you by Sun. when I get back, I'll email you. Thought it might be helpful in your project. TX