nifty keyring box opener


Oct 29, 2008
Miami, FL
My wife is always using her keys to open up boxes and packages that come in the mail. The other day I was cleaning some fishing reels and noticed all the shimano reel wrenches I had accumulated. The little wrenches look like this:

and are used to take reels apart. They always seem to strip nuts and screws so I never use them and keep them laying around for nothing.

I simply got one of these, grinded the screw driver tip down a bit to give it an edge and slipped it on a key ring. the thing works great to open up boxes and even cut boxes. very cool and now my wife doesn't have to dull out her keys. I have already had my brother, sister, and brother in law ask for one. :twothumbs

I guess you could also grind down the side of one to make a mini knife blade as well, but This mod literally took about 5 min from start to finish. I will try to post some pictures when I get a chance.
Great idea, exodus123, now that I see this, I'm wondering if an old bent choke tube wrench would serve the same purpose.

Also, a brass key tag (the rectangular ones you see on some safety belts) might work like this too (for double-taped or duct-taped boxes).
can't tell you how handy it is for opening up boxes or even those thick plastic containers some stuff comes in that always a pain to open.