Nightlightning QuadBlaast


Newly Enlightened
May 23, 2009
I've tried to do as much reading here as I can before posting, but haven't seen anything on Nightlightning / Adventure Lighting Products QuadBlaast.

It uses four Cree R2 elements in a 35mm housing, with multiple levels & flashing modes. Does anyone have additional information, or access to an objective review of this light? After reading reviews of other Nightlightning products (iBlaast in particular), I did go ahead and order a QuadBlaast, and USPS tracking indicates that it is currently in Customs at LAX, so I hope to have it sometime next week.

I've seen claims of light output from Cree R2s of anywhere from 145 to 290 lumens. Based on what I've seen from folks here and what I can extrapolate from Cree's data sheets, it seems that 210 lumens might be a reasonable expectation, for a total of 840 for the light. Yes / no ?

If a review of this light has been posted here, and I just missed it, please direct me to it. If not, please let me know what information I might easily be able to post that would be of help to others. I don't have any sophisticated test equipment (though I can measure voltage and current accurately enough, I guess), but I'll post whatever I can.

Thanks in advance,

Dennis in Colorado
I have an iBlaast II triple Cree R2. It's very bright, and was a great price for such a nice light. The new ones like the Mini Blaast and Quad Blaast are smaller and a bit more efficient too, so they should be awesome lights, but I haven't got experience with them- yet. I recently helped put together an order for 9 Mini-blaasts for friends, so we'll see how they go. Eric claims 1200 lumen for the Quad Blaast, but that might be a touch optimistic.
Eric claims 1200 lumen for the Quad Blaast, but that might be a touch optimistic.

I think they overdrive the LEDs to 1.2A which is 300lm for each R2.
Note the huge cooling on these things, and they are pretty solid inside too so 1.2A is probably ok(you aren't expecting to get 50,000hrs use out of a bike light, are you?)
<laughing> I'm not certain I have 50,000 hours of riding left in me, let alone my lights.
The lights did arrive yesterday (USPS notation about Customs notwithstanding) and my son helped me make a new bracket for my trike; both lights are now in place. I will go on "shake-down ride" tomorrow and will report after that. In a thank-you email to NightLightning, I did ask for clarification on the designed current draw.
In a reply email from Claire at Nightlightning:

"The QuadBlaast is set on 1000mA at approx 1000 lumens and the AftaBlasta is at 150mA at full power in continuous mode and flashes on brighest at 700mA. Sorry, I am unsure of the lumens for the AftaBlasta."

I am thinking of buying a quad blaast and like you I have not been able to find much information. I am very interested in your opinion of these lights and look forward to the beam shots

What battery are you using with this? I'm a little sceptical about being able to run 4 R2s at 1A from a 14.4V battery.
I've just finished building up my iBlaast 2, and assuming the quadblaast kit is of the same quality, you certainly won't be disappointed. Just be aware that the light won't stay in regulation for the full runtime - you'll probably loose the high modes for about half the time as the battery voltage drops below 15.5ish volts.

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