Nite Ize Luxeon drop-in and IQ Switch


Newly Enlightened
Jun 2, 2004

A friend of mine just came in from the States and brought me the Nite Ize lux drop-in and IQ switch. It's a nice little package and it saved my Mini-Mag from the back of the shelf where it has lived since I discovered CPF.

I'm not too impressed with the Luxeon in the drop-in, it's a little too green for my taste. I guess I've been spoiled by the nice white Fenix, Q3, and Rexlight that I have . It seems to me like they bought some low price lux 1's.

It still is a nice package and I love the IQ switch. One question, how is the battery life affected by the blinking red led in the base of the switch? I know that it can be switched off by using the Mini-Mag switch but isn't that defeating the purpose?

Does anyone know of a review or of a thread on this drop-in? I cannot seem to find it using the search function here.


There have been several threads on this setup in the past months. I like mine just fine, it has a good tint so you probably got bad luck of the draw.
Most people complain more about the output not being that bright, but it's good for a moderate to low level, plus strobe and it runs very cool.
Some of the earlier versions of the IQ switch also had problems, but again mine has been just fine.
The flashing red light has to be a very, very low current draw. I've left mine on for about 15 days over a period of about 45 days. I've run the light for about 30 minutes total also. The NiMh battery voltage with no load is still about 1.25V but of course there's a risk with any battery and a long-term current draw. Keep check on them and it should serve its purpose for locating the light at night. As you mentioned it's easy to shut it off and lock out the light by tightening the MM head. Also when you turn the head "on" again, the red light doesn't start blinking until you also activate the switch.
The red light in total darkness is easily visible at 30 yards or more so it's not for the stealthy... but I find it useful.
Green? The one I have puts out a nice white beam. Sadly, seems your friend didn't get a good example of the drop-in. The I.Q. switch also robs the drop-in of output, even when on the High setting. (I've got one of my mini-mags set up with that drop-in, but with the standard Nite-Ize tailcap switch in place).
I read somewhere that the lower modes draw almost the same amount of current as the higher ones.
The red flashing LED is a great idea in my opinion but I cannot say how long you could expect the batteries to last with this feature. Have a look when its dark and the red LED is blinking, turn it around and stare into the business end and you will notice the Luxeon LED blinks slightly at the same time. This cannot be good for the batteries in a long term storage situation I would think.
Yes you can lock it out so it does not blink but like you say- that defeats the purpose. Still a great product that brings new life to something that otherwise may have been forgotten about. :grin2:
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I just checked mine, the luxeon doesn't blink in unison with the red LED using NiMh batteries. Maybe it's a fault in your switch or you're running it with higher voltage AA's?
Love mine - it really has made my mini-mag a great light. I use it for ~45 mins every night when running and with NiMH's it seems to last a long time. I do like the switch cap and do wonder about the life with the blinking. Especially since that light didn't get much use and was running on some expired in 2003 Kirkland AA's. It ran the NiteIze for a long time, so I'm very happy!
I'll join the "love mine" chorus also.

I picked up a MM on clearance for $7, and then bought the NiteIze IQ/Lux combo.

I have grown to really like it - I use it every night. I'm glad it isn't blindingly bright, and being able to click down a level or two is just a bonus. Plus, the IQ switch allows the ability to tailstand.

The tint on my sample is a nice, warm white.

And I wondered about current draw from the red locater LED, as I use NiMH, but so far no problems. I've gone 2-3 weeks between charges, with nightly use and leaving the red locater blinking. I would disengage the locator if I wasn't going to use the light frequently, but since I do, theres no worry.

Oh, and I just checked - the Luxeon on mine does not blink every time the red LED does.
Thanks for all of your comments. I have a really good idea of what to expect from the Nite Ize duo now.

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