Nitecorp Smart PD AAA?

Peter Atwood

Apr 9, 2002
Just wondering, will there be a AAA version of these cool lights in the future. To me that would be the ideal size and form factor. Just wondering...
I'll jump on the bandwagon with this one too!:thumbsup: I have the Fenix L0D and its a great little light for its size, I'd love to have a NiteCore smart PD in AAA!
Wouldn't it be sweet? I can't believe David doesn't think it's a good doesn't have to be quite as skinny as a Fenix AAA if he's worried about size. But it would still be a pretty small light. Heck, let the button extend out on the bottom and sacrifice tail standing if you had to. I think it would work. Can the electronics be shrunken though is the question I guess.
...Or a CR2 version.

I've thought to myself on more than one occasion the D10 ought to be available with a cut down body. I think a CR2 isn't any bigger diameter than a AA. Just make it shorter. It should be a no-brainer for Nitecore to design one.
im looking forward to Enrique's new Mako as my next AAA! not a clicky though. not a big fan of the new Smart PD lights (i think im in the minority here), though the idea is great.

my AAA user right now is a Fenix L0D CE with a Streamlight Microstream clicky.

definitely would like to have some more, durable, decent output and long running AAA clickys out there to choose from...
+1. It would be my true pocket/keychain EDC if this were the case.

The Mako is indeed looking interesting, however...
Add my vote for an AAA light. I'd like to see at least 40+ lumens out the front that would last about 5 hrs. :eek:
Can they do that ??
Weight's a consideration too. If you keep the contacts clean and the o-ring lubed, AAA twisties are hard to beat for inexpensive reliability. The multimode user interface is the only thing lacking, though... but it seems it's just too hard to put a usable, reliable switch on a tiny AAA. Oddly, it seems it might be easier to put one on a fauxton... but maybe that's because their life expectancy is shorter.

Maybe a Smart PD fauxton?
I asked a similiar question in this thread and got a very interesting reply from some people who knew much about the design

I was mostly curious about the PD design and AAA rather than the circuit design. I still believe the reliable PD design would be great to have in the AAA if it was an option. I very much like simple designs as well as reliable and the AAA factor is the most interesting to me for an EDC. It really would be nice if the two could be combined however it seems certain limitations may not make this possible.

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