No Markings on Osram H4 Rally 70/65w +50 H4 Bulb



I just received a mail order set of what are supposed to be Osram H4 70/65W Off-Road bulbs. I am both surprised, and concerned in that there are no markings on either the steel base or the glass of the bulbs.

They came in cardboard boxes that were not wrapped. The boxes have the following information:

OSRAM - Off-Road 70/65 W

Super Bright

BILUX H4 Off-Road

UV Filter


64205 70/64 W P43T

Made in Germany


Steinerne Furt 62

86167 Augsburg


Bar Coded 4 050300 453767


According to OSRAM's web site:

OSRAM automotive lamps have the following information on them:

  • OSRAM or OS indicates the manufacturer, in this case OSRAM.
  • 12 or 12V, 24 or 24V indicates the rated voltage according to ECE Regulation 37.
  • H1, H4, P21W etc. are the standard international categories for ECE standardized bulbs, e.g. 55W stands for a rated wattage of 55W.
  • E1 indicates the country in which the bulb has been tested and approved (1 for Germany).
  • If DOT appears on a bulb it means that it's approved for the US market (necessary only for main headlight bulbs - low and high beam).
  • The uppercase U indicates a UV-reduced bulb in accordance with ECE requirements (e.g. for use in plastic headlights). All OSRAM halogen automotive bulbs meet these requirements.
  • The approval mark issued by the relevant authority (the Federal Road Traffic Office in Flensburg in the case of E1) is also displayed and is either 37R (E1) a 5-digit number or just (E1) a 3-digit number (which may comprise alphanumeric characters).

    Almost all bulbs carry the manufacturer's own code so that the manufacturer can trace the production batches
Because of the size of some light sources it may not always be possible to show all the information. By law, approved bulbs must show the manufacturer, rated voltage, wattage, test marks (e.g. E1) and approval marks.


Questions to the Forum:

1) Does OSRAM manufacture and or resell/repackage bulbs without markings/stampings?

2) How do I know that the bulbs I recieved in the packaging are really what they are supposed to be?

Please advise.



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