Noob needs help - with everything


Newly Enlightened
Mar 9, 2009
Hello all,

New to this place. Been reading up as much as I can. I have several Mags which I am partial to, a 3d, two 4d's, and a 6d. They are all running terralux 6-ex (I think thats the number)I would like to use one of these as the host.

I would like to modify one of them to be just amazingly powerful, just to show off to the guys. Though I don't have a lot of dough to spend on it, $60-ish. Many questions though...

Which are the best type of batteries for a high power torch? I've read the differences, I just want to know which is the best option.

What is the deal with using different batteries? I've seen some projects where they take a 2D light and instead put 8 AA's. What is that all about?

Are there any kits that come with everything you need already in it? I'm liking the p7 leds I think. For my first time around I could really use a dumbed down recomendation and parts list. I've seen some on here, but one is the same as the other when you know as little as I do. I think it would be cool to mod my 6d as I could get a lot of juice out of it no? It would be cool if someone could point me towards the best "bang for the buck" option in my situation...

Last one...any place to get glass breaking endcaps that aren't $25 each? I have one already and love it...but didn't know if there was someone on here that makes and sells them.

As far as me...I can solder, and can research anything you point me to. I would rather build this myself than purchase something. For ex, even if the terralux TLE-300 is my best bang for the buck, I'd rather "build" a lesser option...just to say I did, know what I mean?

First off, wrong section;). Ask a mod to see if this thread can be moved.

Seond of all, check this thread. I'd also suggest reading the Welcome Mat.

What you seem to be looking for is a drop-in. I don't conside them mods because they require little to no modifications to the light(usually no modifications). No soldering required. The hardest one might be the malkoff where you have to cut off the plastic cam of the maglite reflector(pretty easy), but you can buy precut ones. Also, normal batteries.

Some mods, like the ROP, need higher voltages and also batteries that can take high draw inorder to work well, so battery carriers are needed to make sure the batteries are wired correctly and fit well. Many of those AA carrier mods use rechargeable AA batteries because they can take a much higher current draw.

I'm not sure where to get the glass breaker. I've seen them, so a quick search should find you a few.

Third of all:

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Thanks...those two threads will help a lot.

Sorry for the the thread location....I meant it to be under the custom and modified and I got sucked into the machining section and forgot.

I will probably do a battery mod etc.

As far as what I want....a drop in may be what I want...but I want to build it. A heatsink, the led, driver etc....just no idea where to start.

Mechanically i'm competent and can mod this anyway is best so long as it doesn't involve a lathe et al.
Like Gunner said, the ROP threads have complete instructions that you can follow.

It is important to read more about batteries and how to wire them so that you do not accidently short them and have a problem.

Do a search for Roar of the Pelican (ROP), read through the threads and start there. The ROP is very popular and isn't too hard.