Noob Tools


Newly Enlightened
Aug 5, 2007
Ok CPFers here's a good question (I believe). What BASIC tools/supplies should all new modders have to get started in modding (excluding machining and radical changes) ? Brands and/or sources and price ranges would be helpful as well but not necessary. This might be a good thread for a sticky mods as I believe myself and all newbies could use it as a good starting point. Thanks in advance guys....I think I got the bug. :sick2:
I am a total newb to flashlights too; but I have found Circuit Specialists ( to have high quality inexpensive electronics equipment.

I have a ceramic soldering station, Digital Multimeter, and K Type Digital Thermocouple from them. All of these devices could be useful with mods I suspect. (I got the DMM for free when I bought the Solder Station, they almost always have a free item with $50 order)..

Good thread idea!

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