Novatac 120P replacement lens help


Newly Enlightened
Feb 4, 2009
Hey all,

First off, I've read about every thread I can find about 120P lens replacement and am still having problems. Need some help. For two reasons I wanted to upgrade the bezel and lens from my old 120P. First, after a few years use [daily use], the stock lens got scratched, and, being annoyed with having to clean the lens with a soft cloth to avoid further scratching, I decided to replace the lens. I ordered a sapphire [yes, kinda pricy, but figured what the hell, love the light and this stuff is an indulgence].
Bought this from the sandwichshoppe:

Now, with the bezel, long time back, I broke the seal to check the lens out; with some freshwater use [literally some testing just to look at the light in the water], and noticed I was getting some corrosion on the bezel that had actually left rust marks on the lens on the top side. I figured, why not swap for an already polished stainless steel head. I know the stock one is just a coated stainless head, but didnt mind the idea upgrading. Bought this:

They have a half off deal on the bezel, and, I will say its pretty nice.

Problem No. 1: The stock 120P lens is 1/2 times thicker than the sapphire I ordered. When you replace the lens with either the stock bezel or the new one, once all screwed in, the lens rattles. I knew that it was somewhat of an issue going in, so I had also ordered o-rings from dealextreme that were referenced in the follwoing post, assuming that I would put this new oring on top of the lens, leaving the stock oring under the lens in place [so two rings]:

I ordered the 3/4in GITD ring, which as of yesterday had still not arrived after 3 weeks. I fear that this ring is not the right size. I was using the following thread that recommended the 3/4:

"Got it form Lighthound. It's the 3/4" size. Just unscrew the bezel (I used the bottom of my gym shoe to break it free) remove the installed o-ring and replace. The fit is almost identical. The original o-ring is not as thick but this is fine for me because the GITD o-ring picks up a little more light to make it glow."

"I liked dinocol's idea about sandwiching glass between two o-rings, especially since my UCL glass was significantly thinner than the polycarbonate Novatac lens. I experimented with several combinations and decided that the best sandwich uses the original 23mm black o-ring in the normal position between the reflector and glass and to use a 24mm GITD o-ring from DX between the glass and bezel. Everything fits securely, and the GITD effect is the same as using two GITD o-rings. Actually, keeping the original o-ring in its place may offer slightly better water tightness."

Because I am inpatient, I went to a hardware store and bought an 15/16 outer diameter plumbers oring that translates to 23.8mm. problem is that it has a 1/16 wall, and with either bezel, I cannot get the bezel to screw in far enough, leaving exposed threads, unless i really torque it, but then the o-ring gets bent inside, and you can see it affecting the beamshape ever so slightly, like a slipped disk in your back.

so..the question is this:

If you have a novatac, and replaced the stock lens with a thinner sapphire or UCL,
1) what diameter lens did you get
2) what diameter [external?] O-ring did you get
3) do you use one or 2 o-rings to keep the lens in place, and if so, what size?
[and where to order any of this!!]

Thanks for listening to my rambling. I love this light. The jury-rigged sapphire lens looks great -- having no more scratches is a huge plus. I just want to get the lens secure, so I can re-locktite it, and not worry about water intrusion.
Ok....ignore the post. question answered. I finally got the dealextreme o-rings in the mail after 3 weeks. I kept the stock novatac o-ring under the lens, used the DE ring on top of the lens, between the lens and bezel. I used a plastic stylus to keep the ring in above the lens as I tightened it down to minimize the ring bulging as it was tightened. The fit is about 95% of what I would like. But, that said, it's nice to have a very clean lens without scratches again.

Sorry for wasting anyones time who had to read this.
Thanks Nake. I may order one of those for a reserve. And, also, I know about the light transmission issue, but when it comes to the 120P, max output is not really what I use the light mostly for. I really did want a more scratch proof lens.