Online or offline resources...


Newly Enlightened
Oct 11, 2008
Sacramento, CA
like electronics websites or books (and maybe a beginners tool list) that you can recommend for the beginner with absolutely ZERO electronics knowledge to start learning? Of course, I am interested in modding or building lights, I just don't know much about electronics and such.
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Thanks for that link, Mr Happy. I look forward to checking that site out.


xian13, I am in the same boat as you. I've recently started looking for resources to learn about electronics. Here are some I've come across:

  • The ARRL Handbook is a comprehensive electronics/amateur radio reference. Many public libraries will have copies available for checkout (may be an older version, but still worth checking out).
  • A friend recently referred me to The Art of Electronics, but I haven't had a chance to get it yet.
  • I saw this post recently and it links to a good eBook resource
Good luck in your studies.