osram 64655 24V


Mar 16, 2008
guildford england
looking to build my first incan just because of the high temp that come with this bulb what do i need to make a good torch, money is not a factor in this just i don't want to waste it, buying duff bit's and pieces also host size is not a factor any thing up to a Mag six D is ok i have metal reflectors that fit a std mag head , is there a regulated PCB,driver, or something to control forward voltage and amps out there or soon to be out any time soon cheers DocD
I'm building a Osram 100 wat incan "torch" but only after weeks of research in here. Try here for a start http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=194041.
To answer your ? , I'm not sure about a reuglated board. Maybe Lux Luthor could answer that or 299792458m/s. I know that my Osram 12volt 100watt using LuxLuthors 15.6 v/ 13 cell battery pack will start a newspaper on fire. Check out Slo-Ryds set up. I almost bought it, instead I made one just like it. http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=204102

Hope this helps and good luck.

I don't think there is a regulated driver out there for Mag hotwires yet. AW has one in the works for D-sized Mags, but there's no ETA on when that's coming.
You need to go a couple of places, but first my advice.

AW has a 3 level replacement switch for incan lights that is top notch and is available. As long as you are in the ball park with your batteries, you should be ok. You may have to run on the low or medium setting if you have really gone overboard with batteries before giving the light full power. It really makes my M@g85 a wonderful, usable light.

Now on to the real question. Yes, there is work out there on a regulated driver for incan lights. It may take a few more months before it sees the light of day, but you need to take a read at the Batteries Included forum on this thread:


and another version that will be available sooner I believe is JimmyM's wonderful board which will require work on your part to solder and such on your flashlight. Here is that one:


So, the bottom line is you need to do some reading and figure out what you want to do.

Good luck...

Bob E.

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