Flashlight Enthusiast
Hi guys!
I found a video on some of the RC forums that is just hilarious, just consider that the Savage RC Truck shown weighs about 10+ pounds and runs in excess of 30 MPH!!!
That'll leave a mark!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
I feel bad for the poor girl and hope she is ok, And BTW DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.
I found a video on some of the RC forums that is just hilarious, just consider that the Savage RC Truck shown weighs about 10+ pounds and runs in excess of 30 MPH!!!
That'll leave a mark!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
I feel bad for the poor girl and hope she is ok, And BTW DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.