P2D/L2D Tailcap problem


Newly Enlightened
Jul 3, 2006
I bought a P2D Q5 with spare 2xAA L2D body about 3 weeks ago. The P2D has served me well as an upgraded replacement for my old L2T cr123 light.

I just got to trying the L2D body and noticed a problem:

The tailcap from the P2D fits very loosely on the L2D body.
- I can rock the tailcap on the threads (which I can very slightly do on the P2D body).
-The biggest issue is that the O-ring on the L2D body does not, or barely, touch the tailcap. There is no snug fit like how the tailcap fits on the P2D body:confused:

Looking at the tailcap O-ring area (right above the black threads) on both the L2D and P2D shows that the L2D is slightly smaller in diameter than the P2D area.
-To confirm this I can place an old L2T tailcap on the L2D body, but it won't clear the P2D O-ring area.

Anyone else have the two and can let me know if something's wrong?

The only fix I can think of, and maybe what the problem is, is a larger O-ring for the L2D body.
I have L1D, L2D, and a couple of P2D bodies, a couple of switches, and a couple of heads. All fit together interchangeably as they should. Maybe you should take the issue up with the dealer you bought them from.

I have L1D, L2D, and a couple of P2D bodies, a couple of switches, and a couple of heads. All fit together interchangeably as they should. Maybe you should take the issue up with the dealer you bought them from.


Can you notice a difference in the diameter of the L2D and P2D bottom O-ring?

The two O-rings are the same size when removed, but when on the body, the P2D is streched more (hence the larger diameter).

Could you remove the O-rings on the two and see if they are the same?
The tailcap on the P2D is slightly bigger then the tailcap of the L1D and L2D(the L1/2D tailcaps will not work on the slightly larger P2D body), that is probably the cause of the wiggling and tailcap issue.

You would need a separate tailcap for the L2D body.
Oops, I screwed up. As Gunner12 says, the P2D body does require a different tailcap/switch, which is larger. My apology.

The tailcap on the P2D is slightly bigger then the tailcap of the L1D and L2D(the L1/2D tailcaps will not work on the slightly larger P2D body), that is probably the cause of the wiggling and tailcap issue.

You would need a separate tailcap for the L2D body.

Hmmm, glad I didn't buy a L2D with a spare P2D body then.

The light still functions as normal with the loose tailcap (when bottomed out it's tight, but easily loosened), but I guess I'll just get a larger O-ring to make the seal tighter.
Yo can use a larger o ring. but the switch on the P2D is a little ticker also. they are diferent. The switch from the L1D and the L2D however, are the same.