Parabolic Reflectors


Apr 30, 2007
So I see a lot of people with custom lights that have somehow sourced a really nice rhodium reflector for their personal spotlight to make a better beam focus. One thing I want to know is WHERE does one get one of those super awesome reflectors? I realize there are a couple places like Melles-Griot that make them for ungodly money but are they the only one? I was thinking of perhaps modding one of my HID's with a better reflector but find myself looking endlessly across the net for a supplier...:sigh: Even just a list of companies would be helpful. Thanks!
The reflectors I have purchased in the past were from the Sandwich Shoppe, listed in CPF Marketplace.
I'm also very interested in this for my newest hotwire build. I just got a FM D/A Mag reflector (thanks, hburner! :wave: ), and the bulb opening is TINY, only good for Magmods. I'm thinking of a 3-4" reflector with a 3/4" bulb opening. :drool:
I was thinking of something just a weee bit bigger than a mag reflector. Something that would fit in a thor or sams club. I have seen a couple optics grade ones but they are close to $500 or more. I'd be rather nervous trying to anchor the bulb socket to the thing and not make scratchies all over that nice electroformed surface.
I searched for Ra's thread HERE where he describes the HID he built. He cut down the reflector from a BMW HID headlamp. He said it was a rectangular one with a round parabolic base. He gives the part number in his thread. See THIS post.

I've got a mirrored parabolic reflector I've been dragging around for years. It is about three feet across and was used to measure cloud height. The wife has been after me to get rid of it, but I just can't help thinking it might be somehow useful. I don't think it would be useful for a flashlight mod as the mirror is quite big...and heavy.
Try Surplus Shed.
They have 144mm and 89mm.
In the past they have had 244mm.
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I've got a mirrored parabolic reflector I've been dragging around for years. It is about three feet across and was used to measure cloud height. The wife has been after me to get rid of it, but I just can't help thinking it might be somehow useful. I don't think it would be useful for a flashlight mod as the mirror is quite big...and heavy.
Post a picture please.
No kidding, thats a wild size reflector! I think it might need a biiiig lamp to make it do its thing big style.
Post a picture please.

I'll drag it out of the box tonight and get some pictures posted. It really is a monster and I've been trying to think of a useful purpose for it as I'd hate to just throw it away. Stand by for pictures!:thumbsup:
Photo, as promised. It was a pain to photograph as it kept reflecting everything.


Whoa nelly!

Now thats a freakin reflector! Shame you're not closer to the states I'd snap that thing up just for giggles! It sure does make me wonder what I could do with such a creature. :crazy:

Yeah I guess it would be a little awkward to haul around for a spotlight hehe.

I searched for Ra's thread HERE where he describes the HID he built. He cut down the reflector from a BMW HID headlamp. He said it was a rectangular one with a round parabolic base. He gives the part number in his thread. See THIS post.


Sorry Bernie, but the CP-X960 is not a BMW !! Its a digital projector..
Those projectors use super high pressure bulbs with highly durable and efficient dichroic reflectors. But those reflectors are quite small, the 48mm clear aperture (circular aperture) I made for my mini-HID is about the max size you can obtain from a X960 bulb..


Well, I tried out the Surplus Shed and initially purchased a 88.9mm reflector from them but when the package got here today I was in for a surprise. It was the larger model (140mm?) for the same price that Melles Griot sells for $300! :rock:Boy I tell ya, $50 sure goes a long way some times! Now I guess I'll try modding the sam's club to make it fit in there. Should make a nice laser cannon. :eek:oo: Guess I'll have to check back with them for the smaller ones later on if they ever get any more in stock.
Well, I tried out the Surplus Shed and initially purchased a 88.9mm reflector from them but when the package got here today I was in for a surprise. It was the larger model (140mm?) for the same price that Melles Griot sells for $300! :rock:Boy I tell ya, $50 sure goes a long way some times! Now I guess I'll try modding the sam's club to make it fit in there. Should make a nice laser cannon. :eek:oo: Guess I'll have to check back with them for the smaller ones later on if they ever get any more in stock.
I just recently ordered the same thing you did, but they emailed me to ask if they could substitute the larger ellipsoidal reflector. Does that work pretty much the same as a parabolic one? What's the difference between the two (besides size)?