paracord lanyards


Newly Enlightened
Aug 9, 2010

where do you shop for paracord lanyards?
I am looking for orange colour
I won a nice made up one last night on the fleabay,should be here in the morning.The seller makes them up and offers them on the bay,seem good quality from her feedback profile.
I bought some 550 para-cord a few days ago from my local camping supply store, 100 feet for about $5.;)

They have mil spec paracord in multiple colors. Good and prompt service. Lots of other neat stuff. If you escape without spending at least $50 there's something wrong with you.
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Make your own, 100' of paracord for $7, that's enough for a lot of lanyards.

If you work around machinery or anything else, make sure you have a breakaway attachment or hold the lanyard correctly. DO NOT just wrap it around your wrist. 550 cord is plenty strong enough to cut a hand off if it gets caught in something.
^Excellent point.

On a side note, Ive always assumed that those typical ball chains were specifically chosen for wearing dog tags around ones' neck so as to not cause decapitation if caught in something.

Didn't some hollywood actress die when her long flowing scarf got caught in her car's tire? ...Veronica Lake, was it?:confused:
^ The tragic tale of the woman who died was the world famous dancer Isadora Duncan in the 20/30's. Her scarf, which flowed out the window, got caught in the rear wheel.

Since my last post, above, I actually invented a form of paracord lanyard with lightning-fast, 1 second deployment, for when you need emergency cordage. It is also quick to make, about a minute or two, and requires no weaving. I call it a "Parafob":
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@ MZIL - That is a very neat and simple design. I very much enjoyed your video and if you have any more great little instruction videos, they would be very much appreciated.

buy 100 feet of paracord for around $7, very easy to make one and passes the time when you need something to do. other than that you can get custom ones from ebay

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