pd30 r2 otf


Newly Enlightened
Aug 17, 2009
I have been looking around for a while now and can't seem to find any thread that actually shows the otf lumens of the pd30 r2. maybe I didn't look hard enough. if someone could show me which thread or if some one could actually do the test that would be great, Thanks ahead of time for the help and bearing with me.
Hi michael3,

I don't have a sphere to do real testing but the I have done ceiling bounce test with the PD30 R2 against other lights and it looks identical in output to the Quark R2 Cr123x2 which I have seen tested at ~220 lumen.

The PD30 R2 is rated by Fenix to be 235lm so 210-220 OTF real lumens seems very realistic.
Hey thanks a lot, That is very helpful. I knew they were pretty bright compared to a lot of lights with similar make but wasn't sure of the exact lumen output. I know the hotspot is very nice and tight with plenty of throw. just the improvement I was looking for. THanks again for your input, Michael
to the Administrator, can this thread be deleted or if not moved to homemade and modified flashlight discussion? Thanks