Pila vs. AW protected Li-Ion cells?

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Generally, I only trust three Asian Li ions, they are Pila, WolfEyes, and AW, with the AW cells ordered direct from AW the best value.
Not really. i´m under the impression that in my case my cells diminish capacity because of time rather than number of cycles. But I´ve noticed that the AW´s charge to a higher voltage for longer number of cycles and sag less under load. Just my impression.
Probably depends on a lot of factors, AW does a lot of volume so I think you can be assured you are getting relatively "fresh" cells. With AWs latest changes to the PCB and button top and shrink-wrapping (in the last few years), the AW brand cell matches or exceeds the pila in many areas.

I personally would really like to see a protected loose li-ion cell from a major manufacture, like LG, Sanyo, Panisonic, Sony, or Emoli, but it will probably never happen for a variety of reasons. Primarily liability.

The following quotes are from all over the forum...


Cool stuff. I have a Surefire 9P with Malkoff and am waiting for FiveMega 2x18500 and 2x18650 bodies.
Also ordering the Pila charger.

Where do you find Pila cells? What exactly are their advantages over AW protected cells, if any?


What are the advantages of Pila cells vs. AW protected cells?

I understand both are pretty good.



Where do you find Pila 600P cells?


Does it come with adapters to be able to charge 17500, 18500 (as well as 18650)?

Should I also get PILA cells as well? I am looking to charge AW cells as stated above.


I want to use it to charge both 17500, 18500 and also 18650.

Do I need an adapter for the former?


In the process of taking my usual trek around the forum, I felt like I was seeing doubles or having a lot of deja vu.

I used the built in google search and came up with this with a search for "Pila AW comparison"


See post number 9 in that thread, as well as "edited in" text by LuxLuthor in bold red in the 2 OPs.


I then did a search for "Pila IBC spacer" and the second link that popped up was this:



I'm using this situation to make a point. The point is that, the answers to MANY questions are a quick search away, but may require just a little bit of time dedicated to finding them.

Alternatives to AW protected 18500 cells?

Are there any other protected 18500 cells aside from AW protected 18500 cells?

I hear disturbing results of AW 18500 cells failing:

Pila maybe?
Re: Alternatives to AW protected 18500 cells?

Wolf Eyes are good cells and are available in 18500.
Re: Alternatives to AW protected 18500 cells?

Wolf-Eyes and Pila, give them a try, I've personally never had a problem with an AW 18500, but there have been a few reports from others so I can understand the desire to try out another brand.

I'm not going to copy and paste the chart for the Pila/WE size reference, it'll be good practice for you, using the search tool 🙂

Re: Alternatives to AW protected 18500 cells?

I would get Pila but I hope they raise the capacity above current 2200 mAh.
Re: Alternatives to AW protected 18500 cells?

etc... There are 2 threads merged here, both the same, both posted by you, 2 months apart.

This is a ridiculous case of asking the same question twice (or if you count your posts asking the same question in other threads, several times). Not only that, but you could perfectly easily have done a search to find the answer, and you have certainly been a member here long enough to know how to do that.

Please stop wasting people's time. Thread closed.
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