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PKDL Pass Around


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
New Years Day 2017.
Wherethehell did 2016 go?

Rumors swirl that box #2 is headed Pony Express to Mr. Sun.
It seems bionic replacement parts are meant as one time only items and so having the replacement part replaced leads to stuff the doctors neglected to tell you about.
Get well soon Eddie.

Ok, so I have box #1 in my possession. Well as I like to place my mind in the role of a person encountering certain flashlights during certain eras for the first time I did same for box 1.
Last summer I took a short vacation to a place where there is a campground by the edge of a river mouth not far from the ocean. It is situated some 100 minutes away from big city lights in the middle of a small city sized peanut field.
It's pretty dark after 10pm. One cloudy night I carried a few vintage flashlights down by the river and pretended it was 19 something other. 20's, 50's, 70's and 80's. A time when life after dark was still pretty dark and stars dotted the sky like sand on a beach. The idea was to relive those experiences of folks in those days. It was fun casting golden lumens along my path a few yards at a time. As the lights used became more modern my path was lit a bit farther.
At some point it was time for the P60 based light. An 85 lumen Pelican was used. Holy Cow!!! My mind raced with excitement of what it must have been like for the folks being exposed to them for the first time.
That night, even though I had a PR-1 in my pocket it was all about the incan.

Back home last night it was New Years Eve. A cloudy night with free pink lumens everywhere thanks to city lights reflecting off low clouds. By 7pm neighbors were noticeably celebrating with items containing gun powder. My dogs were cowering in a corner. So much for Fido looking out for me if a burglar were to suddenly strike.

Ah, that box of PK's passaround items....


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I carefully removed the items that were neatly stored in the box I received on a Sunday afternoon by USPS. Taking note of its contents my mind went back to a time when PK and his cohorts in the SureFire lab must've been marvelling at the new versions of battery powered sunshine they'd just invented. What a great time in flashlight history.

I had a little homework to do so I started out with the tactical pens. Noting the unusual shaping compared to everyday writing instruments I set about the task of using them as writing instruments. First the PKTP. For folks who use a conventional grip they may find it necessary to grip the pen a bit higher than normal for maximum comfort. It took a bit of getting used to but my pointer finger/thumb grip found a comfy spot and it wasn't long before it felt normal. And it was also comforting the way it never skipped, smeared or blobbed thanks to the Fisher cartridge. Even at the bottom of a page where my hand had rested, which is where most ball point pens begin to struggle. When I was done a few twists of the writing end placed the point into the body. I set it on a slanted table and it stayed put.

Next I tried the PKTP-E. My first impression was how weighty it feels. Like one of those you find in an 'inkpen salon' stores where you don't ask how much. The cap was easily twisted off, yet when I went to slide it onto the opposite end it struggled to stay without a firm push. My thought was the cap will scratch the finish of this fine writing tool. My thought was that a slight adjustment to shaping in that area could lead to a more positive placement. Perhaps a way of incorparating an o-ring. Eventually I placed the cap off to the side.
Looking like a drill bit this one was much easier to get used to. It immediately felt normal in various grip configurations. And like the other one it wrote flawless.

I looked at the dogs cowering in the corner and quipped "good thing I have these PK pens to save you guys from a burglar."

As much as I dig that executive pen I gotta say for storing at a desk I'd prefer the original tactical pen. But for carrying to my car in a darkened parking garage the executive would be my pick.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
The flashlights:

The first one I tried was the FL2. In my backyard I could hear thumping and fence rattling sounds. Thinking the neighbors kids are juiced up on Sunny D and brownies they must be playing hide and seek. I opened the the FL2 box then removed the foam wrapping, then slid the light out of it's finish protecting sack and locked down the tailcap. Easing out my back door and quietly walking across the yard and then activating the tail cap switch... 'watchow!'... suddenly the neighbors entire back yard was brightly lit as little kids screamed like girls and skeedaddled... that was fun. Then I clicked the switch again and used the low setting to guide my path back indoors where the dogs were still quivering in a corner. My monster dog gave me a "save me from those bad booms daddy" look. I rested comfortably knowing steak knife bezel could remove a DNA sample from a burglar and if a punch were required the body is the perfect diameter for making my hand a more effective defensive item.

Home work done and put away, kids successfully scared away from my yard it was time for something else.
A headlight on my truck keeps giving me trouble. Time to try the PR-1.
I lifted the hood of the truck. Turning on the PR-1 to high lit the engine bay like it was noon time. But where are my tools?

See, it aint the bulb. It's Chevys idea of halogen bulbs for daytime running lights vs soft plastics for housings and #22 guage wiring. So I needed some tools. Well being a flashaholic I have purposely avoided swapping out a malfunctioning light switch in my shed. So I clicked the PR-1 to medium and lit my way to the shed. The floody 200 lumens was plenty to see by and soon tools were gathered up.

Back to under the hood the fuel saving 200 lumens was a bit much for close up work and being wire work requires 2 hands I slid the PR-1 clip onto my ball cap brim after changing it to low. Perfect! Soon after the previous wire repair was taken apart and refastened. Still no light. Oh crap don't tell me...
Yes it was the bulb this time. Doh!

While installing the bulb I heard a voice approaching. I quickly removed the light from my ball cap and clicked back to high, placing nearly 400 lumens in the face of my neighbor who had seen me working on my truck after dark and was about to offer assistance. Sorry about that Rick.

I showed him the PR-1 and soon he was no longer see-ing spots. He marveled at how well he could grip such a tiny light. I removed the belt clip and showed him how it disappears in your trouser pocket. The $79 price tag caused him to shout "take this thing away from me before my wife finds out how much they are." He's between jobs so money is tight.

All that done and I'm back indoors for the night. Mrs. Fixer has been feeling worse and worse as the evening unfolded and is no longer wanting to be entertained by the Sandra Bullock movie-thon she was watching. "Honey" she says... "what about the raffle?" The Milepost drawing was supposed to take place at midnight but she was fading fast. So I removed the pre-cut slivers of paper with entrants names written on them (that was part of the homework). Placed them face down in the official pleather raffle drawing ball cap and handed it to her. She withdrew the name and kissed me on the forehead saying "happy new year, good night".... and off she went to bed.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2013
On The Black Pearl
hey byk! I was reading that last awesome post, and just realized, I think I left one of my Schmidt EasyFlow 9000 cartridges in one of the pens! lol I was looking for it Thursday and couldn't figure out what I did with it. Then it dawned on me while I was reading your posts. haha So, my bad, the Executive PK-TPE-BK may have a Schmidt cartridge? lol If so, try that out and tell me what you think. They are amazing writers.
Anyone reading this who hasn't tried a EasyFlow should order some and give them a go. I bet you will be impressed.

I have tons of Fisher refills and EasyFlows. Those are my most used refills. The EasyFlow is a amazing cartridge for writing or signing documents. I put them in just about all my "Indoor" pens. Any pen I use outdoor or traveling usually gets a SpacePen cartridge. Cause they always work and won't leak. FWIW: I have never had a leak issue from the EasyFlow either.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Fireworks still cracking and popping outside, dogs still cowering in the corner and I'm all hopped up on night time cold meds that were having the opposite effect... non drowsey was not the intended side effect.

So I notified Tech25 he'd won and set about deciding PL2 or Knight next... the PL2 was chosen. Participants of box 1 had chosen not to open the silver PL2. Neither did I. It occured to me I'd forgotten to lock my truck and the shed. The PL2 was able to clearly light the 50'+ path from my front door to the truck despite all those free lumens my world outside provided. I coulda just pushed the lock button on the keyfob from indoors but Ima flashaholic for goodness sakes. While outside drunken teenagers were walking down my street. I felt more confident knowing the knub on the end of the PL2 is a pain inflicting kubatan device as I walked away from the truck to my back yard using a 1x triple A flashlight to light the way. Shed locked, now time to retire for the evening.

Being a flashaholic I turn out the lights backwards so the last one turned off is the farthest from my destination where Mrs. Fixer is probably snoozing by now. A quick twist to low and now I'm walking through a dimly lit house guided by a nice 15 or so throwey lumens with hallway wall lighting spill. I set the PL2 on my nightstand and next thing I know it's today...

I'll get to the Knight tonight I suppose.

Thanks to all who participated. And thank you PK for the opportunity to play the role of "flashlight junkie" on New Years Eve 2016.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
There are Fischers in both pens Str8. I suppose the search continues.
But I want to try one of those Schmidts someday. Thanks for the tip.

I had a Fischer leak on me once but do not blame them. See, when my job involves working around asphalt things get unusually hot for an inkpen cartridge that has a slight internal pressure to ensure writing in zero gravity is possible. These days there is a new asphalt mixture where the minimum temperature it can be extracted from the paver machine is 310° farenheit. Normal temps are 350-375°. Not the ideal enviornment for a writing intrument as I jot down infomation on weight tickets carried on the paver.
Just an FYI for folks using space pens in hot conditions.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Folks, if you are up to donating good vibes send 'em to Eddie.
Bionic knee replacement of the bionic knee if a grueling ordeal I wouldn't wish on an enemy.
He could probably use some good joojoo right now.


Dec 18, 2015
Elk Mound, WI USA
I am still enjoying the lights, thanks for doing this! How is the sale of these lights going to work? I am interested in the black PL2 and the 47's Knight I think. If I end up getting one or both of these I may just as well keep them instead of sending them back. Please list all of the lights with the price of each and who has proclaimed their interest in them. I think this would help all of us out.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I am still enjoying the lights, thanks for doing this! How is the sale of these lights going to work? I am interested in the black PL2 and the 47's Knight I think. If I end up getting one or both of these I may just as well keep them instead of sending them back. Please list all of the lights with the price of each and who has proclaimed their interest in them. I think this would help all of us out.

You got the Knight going? Yay!!

Well the Knight and PR-1's have multiple requests so they'll be raffled. 4 folks have requested each of those.

The list of items and prices:
- PL2, black, $18.00 1 available if you don't buy it BTTS.
- PL2 silver, $18.00, both requested.
- Executive pens, $46.50, both requested
- Tactical pen, $69.98, both available, but I'd like one.
- FL2, $49.00, both requested.

- PR-1's will be raffled. $39.50
- Knights will be raffled, $37.50

Each purchase should add 7 bucks for S&H. Example would be Eddie bought the silver PL2 and a tactical pen S&H would be $7. If he bough lt only say the FL2, S&H would be $7. Hope that makes sense. It costs me $6.80 per USPS priority box to mail stuff and I donate the other 20¢ to my wife for being cool about my hobby.

If you want the PL2 hang on to it BTTS, but I'd like to inspect the Knight before raffling it off please.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Just curious as to the time frame for the Pass Around Raffle. Anything definitive? Best.

Perhaps ground hog day-ish.
I evaluated everything in box 1 and found that folks had taken great care of the items.
Box 2 is still out there. Once I have it I'll send out another blanket email to double check folks' previous requests.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Long Island, NY
Perhaps ground hog day-ish.
Glad to hear I still have a little time to get my review up... lol.

So many pressing things going on, with no time for fun. Quite frustrating. Nonetheless, I will get my thoughts on these items up here... with any luck, before ground hog's day. :ohgeez:


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Box #2 is at my home.

I'll get with folks one last time to confirm their requests and what isn't spoken for will go in a WTS thread.

Items in box 2 arrived in great shape and all work like new. Packaging is a bit used looking but the lights are minty new looking.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2012
Southern California
PM sent, Thank you for hosting the passaround and sale of items-I know there is a lot of time and effort that occurs behind the scenes and am very appreciative of your efforts.

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