Pocket Sized Laser BURNS paper INSIDE balloon! Cool! :-)


Newly Enlightened
Sep 23, 2010
Greetings to fellow laser enthusiasts!

The following video by myself originally shared at lpf demonstrating a laser burning flash paper inside a transparent balloon was made to help educate others about optical energy absorption dependent upon opacity and/or substance. This type of demonstration is typically performed in physics courses with a darker balloon inside of the transparent balloon whereby the laser pops the darker balloon while leaving the transparent balloon intact.

Hope others enjoy this:

http://d.ro/laserflash (it's also the Twitter/Facebook/Etc. sharing address)


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Re: Laser BURNS paper INSIDE balloon! Cool! :)

I hope this demonstration will one day burn off whatever substance that grows and interferes with fiber optic lines, imagine a self cleaning underground/underwater cable:whistle: