Possibly saved a life last night with 2 of my flashlights!


Jun 30, 2006
Milwaukee, WI
Last night at 2 am I was walking down the staircase and saw a car flash it's lights like someone was unlocking it. I waited and no one came to the car. I walked up to the front door and looked out to see someone lying on the ground in front of the car in the grass. He wasn't moving and I didn't know how long he had been lying there. I opened the door and shined my A2 at him blasting the incan at his face. I yelled "hey are you ok?" a couple times and he never moved. It didn't look like he was moving or breathing at all. I ran in the house and woke my wife asking her what I should do, she agreed that the guy might need medical help and we needed to call. As I was talking with her a police parking jeep was going by. I ran outside and flashed the leds on the A2 in a strobe like manner at the jeep. She drove over and wasn't sure what I was about or if I was weird or something. As she drove up I blasted my 3x18650 Leef setup that's running the HO-M6R down on the guy. From 30 feet he was lit up really well with the beam. She called the emergency number from her radio to get someone there asap. The firetruck pulled up and they rolled him over. I thought he was dead! He was very stiff as they rolled him. They had to use 2 sticks of smelling salts to revive him. They got him home which was next door in the apartment building on the corner. It was very cold here last night (for summer) at about 58 F. He had vomit in his mouth and seemed more like he was on something than drinking. Not sure what was up with this guy but he was really gone and I'm sure it was a good idea to have him checked out. I was so glad the guy hadn't died! My A2 was great for signaling the police jeep and the HO-M6R setup was great for spotlighting the guy on the ground and signaling the firetruck which wasn't quite sure where we were at first. All in all - a good deed done with lights. (The firemen had those boxy incans that are rechargeable. What sickly and ringy beams they had. :sick2:)

Wow that's an awesome story!! You should submite your story to SureFire!!!

The guy was lucky you saw him!!!! Something as minor as a flashlight can really make a big difference when it comes to visibility and signaling!

This is why I appreciate strobe and S.O.S. modes on my lights as well. :)
Yeah, strobing mode does have some real benefits in emergency situations! I had to do the strobing manually but it wasn't hard to do and get her attention. Not sure how interested they would be in the story since the incan wasn't stock. Wish it had been a stock M4 instead! The A2 was completely stock though.
Good job! The guy might not have made it through the night and without a good flashlight you probably wouldn't have spotted him there on the ground.
This guy had no shoes on, just socks! And with my Leef setup on his face at 30ish feet wasn't moving or affected at all. It was really frightening how unresponsive he was. The police women in the jeep had her spotting light aimed at him the whole time, nothing. He didn't even flinch or notice the firetruck or sirens!
Knightrider congrats for your handling of the situation flashlight wise...

BUT let me go off-topic and add that you should always have a cell-phone and always call for help FIRST, right there AT THE SPOT. going back to the house costs valuable time for a heart attack victim....

Could I convince you and other members to take thew Red-Cross First Aid Class?

congrats and may you be helpful again, Kostas
Could I convince you and other members to take thew Red-Cross First Aid Class?

that should be in the rules for signing up on cpf. when you become a flashaholic you need to take a first aid/cpr course so you can use your lights to help even more people. before long i plan on taking a first responder course myself.
Great story!! That guy might have died if it weren't for you! :twothumbsWay to go!!
Great job, knightrider. There's no doubt that you did indeed save a life that night.

You can still submit your story onto Surefire's site since the A2 is stock. Just mention that you used another light as well, but don't go into specifics. I guess a 3x18650 could be thought of as a spotlight.
Thanks guys! Just following the golden rule. If I were in the same situation I would want someone to make sure I was ok and not ignore me.

Didn't have a cell phone in my pocket at time so I did have to go back into the house anyways. I thought yelling to see if he was ok and then running in the house wasn't super bad to do as he could have stood up and walked off or something. Although those moments spent yelling to him could have meant life or death...

I'm thinking he was about to try driving, but I'm not sure. Might submit the story after all, it couldn't hurt! I'm waiting to see the guy on the street and say "so I see you're ok, do you remember me?"

Flashlights to the rescue!
Nice job Knightrider...

I work in a hospital, and I'd like to make a suggestion to everyone. Pick up a $1 pack of latex gloves and throw them in your trunk. If you ever come across a situation like Nightrider experienced and you intend to help, it's very much in your benefit to have latex/vinyl gloves handy (especially if there's any blood). You never know if the person you're assisting has hepatitis or AIDS (among many other possibilities).
submit it...

just state that you are a flashlight enthusiast, and that you use the surefire A2, and also a self modified version of another one of thier lights (let it remain nameless)


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