Flashlight Enthusiast
My thoughts and prayers to all in harms way in the CA fire areas. Everyone stay safe.
My thoughts and prayers to all in harms way in the CA fire areas. Everyone stay safe.
We appreciate it... My brothers home just burned down... with his lambo in it. The horrible part is NOT ONE SINGLE firefighter OR police officer came to check up on the neighborhood he was in. He was sleeping and everyone in the world was calling him but his lazy *ss didn't want to pick it up. Around 12ish I would say he finally woke up and listened to his messages.
After walking outside he decided it was time. He started packing stuff into his truck and when he finally saw flames in his back yard he told his neighbors. His neighbors were clueless, he had to honk his horn so the whole neighborhood would come out side and see all the smoke...
Moral of the story, don't trust police, firefighters or the government to help you out when you really need it. He would be dead right now if we had not continued to call him because of the horribly poor execution of the way firefighters and police handled the situation. BTW, he has a fire station 1 block away from his house...
Good luck everyone.
My brothers home just burned down
...horribly poor execution of the way firefighters and police handled the situation. BTW, he has a fire station 1 block away from his house...
He had to hide from them to avoid being arrested and pulled out of his house.
We appreciate it... My brothers home just burned down... with his lambo in it. The horrible part is NOT ONE SINGLE firefighter OR police officer came to check up on the neighborhood he was in. He was sleeping and everyone in the world was calling him but his lazy *ss didn't want to pick it up. Around 12ish I would say he finally woke up and listened to his messages.
After walking outside he decided it was time. He started packing stuff into his truck and when he finally saw flames in his back yard he told his neighbors. His neighbors were clueless, he had to honk his horn so the whole neighborhood would come out side and see all the smoke...
Moral of the story, don't trust police, firefighters or the government to help you out when you really need it. He would be dead right now if we had not continued to call him because of the horribly poor execution of the way firefighters and police handled the situation. BTW, he has a fire station 1 block away from his house...
Good luck everyone.
First of all, good job saving the life of your brother. I agree that you can't always depend on the government to help you with your problems. Our government finally brought the price of gas down by causing the housing crisis. Now, people can afford gas, but they have to sleep in their cars. It's always best to solve your own problems and help others around you if you can. Depend on the government only as a last resort. Much of the time, their solution to the problem is worse than the problem itself. Our government, our police, and our firefighters aren't perfect, but as long as they dedicate their lives to helping others, they deserve our respect. I don't expect a firefighter or a police officer to be Superman. They aren't invulnerable and they can't be everywhere at once. It only takes one fire to kill a firefighter or one bullet to kill a police officer. While they are risking their lives to save others, just remember that their neighborhood could be at risk too. If they are fighting fires or evacuating people in your neighborhood, that means that they aren't able to protect their own families in theirs. Before you judge them for not being there when you needed them, ask yourself if you would be willing to make the same sacrifice yourself (risking your life for others while potentially leaving your family at risk). That is a noble sacrifice of these hard working men and women that deserves nothing but our respect.
His neighbors told me when they were leaving their homes many firetrucks were stationary doing nothing. On the news, many reporters stated that it was if they abandoned Yorba Linda. It was very odd the way his neighbors described the firefighters, it was if they didn't give a damn. Memories are lost, and many items that will never be replaced have been buried under ash. Lots of talk about class action law suits from the neighbors, sounds about right in this situation. Face it, they got caught with their pants down, it's a f**d up situation.
His neighbors told me when they were leaving their homes many firetrucks were stationary doing nothing. ...snip...