Product like the lightning pro powerstik, but for S.F. incans?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2008
Basically looking for one like this that could work in a S.F. M-Series or similar quality incandescent flashlight:

"Cartridge - same form/size as 2 D-cell batteries stacked in series
Technology - proprietary microprocessor controlled voltage regulator
Soft lamp start for extended bulb life
Advanced light pulse warning for battery replacement
Bulb - Xenon 3.6 volt (0.5 amp, 0.9 amp)
Battery requirement - 8 AA, 1.5 volt alkaline or lithium primary - can run on only 4 batteries
Made in the USA

I know D.I.Y.'s have been done, but any recommendations on commercially available products like this would be appreciated.
regulated incan like that is going to be tough. There aren't many....

DIY using a LED driver with open circuit protection is the best way to accomplish this. (yes it's possible to drive an incan bulb with an LED driver)

At the end of the day, We have to ask what the goals of the light are:

1. A light like that maintains continuous regulated output.
2. A light like that produces maybe 60 torch lumens at best.
3. A light like that probably has some pretty good runtime
4. A light like that has the advantage of wide spectrum incan lighting.

So the question is: will having triple or more lumens in a similar size package with similar regulated runtime be worth sacrificing the incan aspect of this setup?

If so, you should just slap a 2-3 cell MalkOff in a 2D mag and see what you think :)

Mag hosts are considered very reliable performers when the switch is not called upon to handle insane loads, and in this case, nothing insane is being presented as far as load is concerned.


basically, since you highlighted the "regulated" part of the situation, I'm overall going to suggest looking at LED options. If you want a SureFire, I suggest a MalkOff M60L module in a SureFire C3, runtime will be spectacular, output will blow that 3.6V bulb out of the water, and size will be more manageable than a 2D mag size.

Yes, Leon2245, this is a very needed product for CR123a sized lights. Some folks have successfully created small runs of these regulated solutions, but they are not commercially available and they do not pop up on B/S/T too often either. There is a collaboration project between Alan B, wquiles, and Jimmy M in this thread: to create a regulated PWM incandescent driver and it looks very promising. Hopefully something widely available (for CPFers) comes from it soon.
Thanks for the ideas. I do have a 4D mag that want to mod, and that triple malkoff IS hard to deny, but after coming down off a half-dozen S.F. spree this month and being so impressed with how nice the L5 was vs. the others, I want to sell a couple of those and get an incan like the L5. Something just as well put together and brighter. Which I understand the M-series are that and then some. If I could get one that would stay constant over it's (short) runtime I'd be all over it.

So basically anything M3 or up that I could somehow get regulated would be nice, but I had a feeling something like the powerstik for S.F.'s would be too easy to be true, outside of custom D.I.Y.'s etc. Since most who demand regulation also generally want the other +'s of L.E.D.'s, there just isn't a huge market for regulated incans. But for all of their drawbacks, the only real deal-breaker for me is their steady decline in brightness and color over runtime.

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