Protected 10440's ??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 10, 2008
I lost interest in 10440's pretty quickly because I keep overdraining them and killing them and I was under the impression that protected 10440's did not exist bc they were too small to get the circuitry in there. However DX now has some 10440's that claim to be protected, sku 36026. What do you guys think?
Thanks I'll check that out, don't know how I missed this. Are they relatively new?

Btw, I love The Incredibles too. :thumbsup:
Yes they are new. I've been waiting for AW to offer some.
Thanks for the recognition, I truly enjoyed my small part in the movie it was allot of fun, the laser helmet malfunctioned several times I almost fried some of the other actors we got a big laugh out of it. Maybe I'll be reincarnated in the future Incredible movies. Only Kronos knows. :crackup::crackup:
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yeah I got the impression that they were still a little too new, as they dont fit very well in most lights and/or chargers. Still cool though.
I have ordered a couple of protected 10440 to test.
I´m afraid they will not fit into my iTP.
My tank703 will be i tight fit.

I tested a couple of lights with a rare-earth magnet spacer & unprotected 10440.
iTP is close but... :ironic:

Although TANK007 E06 2x AAA with a metal rod as a spacer will work well :naughty:
I have ordered a couple of protected 10440 to test.
I´m afraid they will not fit into my iTP.
My tank703 will be i tight fit.

I tested a couple of lights with a rare-earth magnet spacer & unprotected 10440.
iTP is close but... :ironic:

Although TANK007 E06 2x AAA with a metal rod as a spacer will work well :naughty:
Yes, I just tested this the very same way with my 2 LiteFlux LF2XTs. The only AAA lights I care about using 10440s in. They would come On, but wouldn't stay On after releasing the switch. :thinking: The non-protected 10440s have been working well for me as I always have one of these lights on me. I have a pretty good idea when I need to recharge just by "seat of the pants" now. Not the only reason for the protection I know, but my biggest fear is over discharging it, ruining the battery.

Let use know tuikku how they work out for you.